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Teenagers and PMS

no1smaid's picture

Quick vent before I lose my mind, Skid #3 is having one of her PMS moments where she hates the world, won't speak if she gets herself in trouble, dissolves into fake hysterical crying (no tears, lots of air gulping and loud sobs). Her excuse for this behavior? She is PMSing. I just threw a bottle of midol at her and advised her taking two to adjust her attitude before I adjusted it the old fashioned way.

Can someone explain to me WHY teenage girls these days seem to feel their period, or the lead up to their period is the end of the world? And excuses behavior that they know will get their ass grounded? I told her women have been having cycles for as long as there have been humans, that hers is nothing special to shut up, pull her head out of her butt and move on with life, yet somehow that is "mean" according to DH and I should be "more understanding?"

Who has the tequila, I need a shot before I adjust his attitude the old fashioned way (sorry dear, I have a month long headache coming on,my period, I am sure you understand!)


buttercookie's picture

I think they try to use it as an excuse. If they are allowed to they will continue too. They need to learn to come to terms with getting their period and that it's not an excuse to treat people like crap or act that surly. I think your DH is buying into this crap because he's never had a period and he's protecting his offspring but she does need to learn women have had periods since the beginning of time.

no1smaid's picture

I agree with you and asked him if that meant it was ok for me to act like that to his kids when I PMS or have my period. He was quiet after I asked that. Seems to be mulling it over in his head. Normally when he starts thinking he is adjusting his previous perceptions. I can hope that is the case here, otherwise I feel an attitude coming on, my period coming in two weeks. Perhaps he needs an example of adult PMS so he can eliminate the adolescent PMS in the house.

simifan's picture

Oh I would so have fun with this... plant your ass on the couch with a hot water bottle and a whinny PIA attitude. Enjoy.

hismineandours's picture

I too find it ridiculous. I've been having my period for 28 years (migod that's a long time)and at that age never noticed any PMS sx. As i've gotten older I do notice I am a bit more irritable but also know that's my issue and no one else should have to deal with it. My dd13 was definitely hormonal around 11 when she first started her period and she got consequences for it. At 13, she has no issues with her period other than feeling slightly crampy or tired-which she may comment on on her way back to her room for a nap but that's about it.

no1smaid's picture

Exactly! I have had mine for 20 years (got it when I was 10). I wasn't allowed the pity party, good lord knows I did not allow my younger sister to pull that crap, and now I have to deal with skid#1 and #3?!?


bruisedpeach's picture

man, i got my period when i was NINE. 21 years ago. omg.

That blew. To be fair I had debilitating cramps and had to be put on the pill when I was 12 BUT my mom never let me stay off school.

hismineandours's picture

I think it is all part of the entitlement of this generation. Normal bodily functions that have been occuring for thousands upon thousands of years are now all of sudden an excuse for "special treatment". It's bizarre to me. My dd13 has an "acquaintance"-im not gonna call her a friend because she is a really unpleasant girl. But the girls were going to a cheer competition-the bus ride was approximately 90 minutes long. This girl asked for special permission to be driven by her mommy because she was on her period and HAS to change her feminine product every 30 minutes. Strangely, I watched this girl during the hours long competition and never saw her go to the bathroom every 30 minutes then.