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So far, so good

no1smaid's picture

Pawpaw (FIL) went home last night with a final warning to the skids of not to make him have to come back.
DH was up their collective asses all night. Chores, homework being checked, rooms clean -all rooms in the house not just their bedrooms. They are still grounded from everything so there was no computers, games or cell phones last night.

Two of the skids had tests at school today so they sat at the table studying, another chose to practice his trumpet and actually remembered to use the muffler for it, the last one found a book to read and sat and read for the two hours before bed. The book chosen from the library? The Scarlet Letter! Before they went to bed all needed school items, backpacks, shoes, instruments etc were placed in front of the door so they could just grab them and leave.

DH said the kids spent all weekend cleaning, excercising and getting lectured. Wake up was 4am bedtime midnight. So perhaps the good behavior last evening was just exhaustion. I am hopeful that they and DH will keep it up though. They also did wake themselves up on time this morning and make it to the bus on time! And so far, no calls from the school of the skids complaining.


buttercookie's picture

Hope FIL straightened them out in one weekend. I'm sure he could start his own business and be very sucessful being a boot camp type of guy. Glad you inlaws and your husband want to make the kids behave and grow up to be productive members of society.

skylarksms's picture

Haha! That's what dog trainers do to help the dogs from acting out - make them TIRED!!!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I've been reading your blogs and I was cheering for your DH and FIL and most importantly YOU! I am so glad that your skids have a grandfather that is hard core and doesn't baby his grandkids. I so wish I was a spectator at your home to have witnessed them suffer!

Keep us updated about their behavior in the upcoming weeks. Will love to hear how long it is going to last...

Rags's picture

Ha! Biggrin

Pawpaw is THE MAN!!!!

We dumped the Skid off with my parents when we visited for Christmas. Dad is a Marine and an exercise fanatic. Up at 06:00 for a rotating cycle of an 8mile hike with wrist and ankle weights, 100 flights of stairs and 10 sets of weight exercises, hiking all 5 peaks at Enchanted Rock, etc, etc, etc.....

Dad's goal is to break the kid's habit of staying up all night playing computer game, teach the kid to drive well enough to get his license and get him in shape for basic training. We took the laptop so the kid is jonesing for his World of WarCrack.

Ha! I get so much joy out of the Skids misery. I would have loved to do with the SKid what dad is doing but his mom and I work full time. Keeping the Skid's head out of his ass is a full time job. Mom and Dad are retired and have the time to invest in Cranio-Rectal Syndrome treatment.

LizzieA's picture

I love this! Your description sounds like the Waltons at your house that night...the way it should be! YAY.