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Do you get mad at Skids for the same things that SO does

Ninji's picture

The same crap that I get on Skids ass about is the exact same crap that SO pulls.

Kids never remember their laundry. It took them 10hrs to do two loads last Sunday.
SO put one load of laundry in the washer on Monday and that's where it sat until Tuesday when I noticed it. He does this all the time.

Kids leave their flip flops on the back porch after they leave for BM's house every weekend. I'm done picking them up. The dogs can eat them and they will have to wear their sneakers to the beach.
SO leaves his shoes in the living room/dining room every day and I have to pick them up so the dogs don't eat them when we are at work.

Kids HAVE to make their beds every day.
SO has NEVER made our bed.

Kids get two hrs video game time (if they are not grounded) every day.
SO is on computer or tablet all day.

Kids leave the kitchen messy and bread open when making their lunch.
SO never cleans up after himself in the kitchen either.

SO was always complaining that kids were using too many glasses for drinks every weekend. I didn't think it was them, so I purchased them each their own cups to use. There are still glasses all over the house but they aren't the kids cups. Currently we have three glasses in our bathroom from SO.

And so many more things.

The funny thing is when I or SO gets on their ass about these things, he blames BM. Yeah, BM is a shitty housekeeper and lazy BUT SO ARE YOU.


Monchichi's picture

Tablet or computer YES and it's a huge bug bear for me. The other is if a tv is on he can't focus on anything else. It could be Telly tubbies and he can't function. His mouth opens slightly and he stares mid way walking through the lounge. SS does all of that too :jawdrop:

EvilAngel's picture

Sounds like my DH. I made up my mind today that I am not cleaning up after him anymore either.

Ninji's picture

Why are men so lazy when it comes to housework? I do what some would call "men" housework. I mow the lawn, I'm the only one that takes the trash out, I take the cars in for oil changes, I help clean the garage. It's not like I'm not helping in all areas and I think he should be too.

EvilAngel's picture

DH NEVER does laundry! I don't work so I don't mind doing that but he doesn't even have the decency to put his dirty clothes in the hamper. He just throws them wherever! I'm boycotting starting today.

Ninji's picture

SO is good about finding the laundry basket for everything except his shorts. I think he thinks he is going to wear them again and they just wind up all over the bedroom.

SO starts most of the laundry but then forgets it in the washer. I will say he is good about helping fold.

EvilAngel's picture

I used to not mind so much but it's getting old. I will wash/dry/fold but I don'talways get them put away. I think he is more than capable but he will just wear them out of the basket. I just discovered a load that he actually did do. I am not sure when. They were in the dryer. I got my clothes out of the basket and left his...which is where they will stay until he wears them I am sure.

EvilAngel's picture

I am only washing my clothes from now on. And the bath towels. That's it. I am tired of feeling like the maid around here.

Ninji's picture

This makes me soooo mad. When SO mows the lawn he will take his shirt off and put it on the dining room table. It's gross. Your shirt is sweaty and smelly and you're putting it where we eat.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Only thing I can think of is they both make "yummy" noises when they eat. Grosses me out!!!!

EvilAngel's picture

Step life DEF makes me cranky! And it makes me miss being single something TERRIBLE.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

SO takes A LOT of selfies. Or he did until he came across newsheadlines that said a lot of selfies = narcissisim. When we were first dating 5 years ago, I had just then got my first cell phone and it was a little flip phone. He would send me selfies of himself all day long. I thought "How cute. He's just trying to stay in touch." I didn't know any better. So SD's have Instagram now and all they do is post selfies. Just like SO. Just like BM.

Ninji's picture

I tell SO that SS is in love with the sound of his own voice all the time. I guess your SD's are in love with their own faces. Smile

EvilAngel's picture

Ugh....Thunderfoot has a crapload of selfies on her Instagram. She's not that cute of a girl but she certainly thinks that she is!

AllySkoo's picture

No, but DH gets mad at BS6 for doing stuff that DH does! Perfect example happened this weekend. BS6 has been having trouble listening. He was tapping BS2 on the top of the head (not hard, just a finger) and BS2 was getting pissed off. So DH yells at him to leave BS2 alone, and BS6 says, "But I was just playing!" DH got even more pissed that BS6 was trying to justify it and sent BS6 to his room.


Later that same day, DH was tickling BS6. BS6 started getting upset, and eventually got off the couch and was glaring at DH. DH says, "Oh come on, I was just playing!" I swear to god I almost lost my mind. I do not often "correct" my husband in front of the kids, but this one time I calmly but firmly said, "DH. You yelled at BS6 for that today. BOTH OF YOU need to learn to stop when someone is getting upset at how you are playing. BOTH OF YOU will keep your hands to yourselves for the rest of the night, is that understood?"

Meanwhile my angelic, precious, non-male daughter calmly sat in my lap with her little head tucked under my chin, watching TV and not causing me any headaches. Goddamn males....

Maxwell09's picture

I am the opposite. If I catch DH doing a bad habit that Im trying to break SS3 of then I text him a rant about how hard it is to correct SS when HE is showing that he can do what he wants. What's funny about it is that SS is the one who rats DH out like if DH leaves his socks by his shoes instead of putting them in the hamper.