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What is with the short shorts trend???

Newstep's picture

Or is it a trend?? I'm youngish Smile at 42 but I can't stand seeing all these teens in skin tight shorts that barely cover their butt cheeks :jawdrop:

When I was in HS short shorts weren't allowed. They had to be a certain length. SD comes home from BM's wearing skin tight super short shorts. SO tells her she can't wear them to school she throws a fit but whatever. Yesterday I come home from work she is wearing a different pair just as bad if not worse !! SO says nothing because he didn't notice :?

She is 14 wears a size 1 normally. Insists she wears a 00 but a 1 fits her really good. Not tight still short but not that bad. The pair she had on yesterday wear a girls size 8!!!! WTF?? I'm not even bringing it up but I will put my foot down if she tries to wear those when we go out as a family. Just because it fits doesn't mean you should wear it!!


tryingmom's picture

I thought that Dad was great!! Hilarious but really trying to drive the point home. My Dad would have done that to me if I wore shorts as short as his daughter. Embarrassment really does work some times. }:)

noidea1010's picture

What is it with dad's not realizing the shorts are that short?! I had the same problem with my SO, only worse. HE bought them for her!!! She's 12! He freaked out when I let her try on a pair of my riding boots, because she struts around in them and tries to act "sexy". (a word I've learned not to use with my SO about his daughter.) Then he buys her a pair of short shorts and lets her go everywhere in them?! She's forever pulling them up to her waist, instead of wearing them on her hips, so they are even shorter.

His argument was that she was 12. Mine was, yes, she's 12, but looks older and she shouldn't be learning to dress that way. Finally I would just start telling him everytime I could see her butt. Then I came up with the best way. I told him I would put on the shorts and every time he looked at MY butt, I wanted him to think about all the men and boys that were doing the same to his daughter.

The shorts have now been regulated to only PJs. Thank God.

TASHA1983's picture

Well in America it screams "I am a attention whore who can't find any other decent way to get attention...look at me look at me!" IMHO...

princessmofo's picture

Call me old fashioned but I believe your shorts should be long enough to cover your vagina. Just saying...

B22S22's picture

My DDstb16 makes this weird face whenever we're out shopping and we pass the "short shorts" section. She won't touch those things with a 39 1/2 foot poll.

~~thank god~~

TASHA1983's picture

I always tell my hubby that I can't wait for the cold weather to get here, I am sooo fed up with seeing girls & grown ass women alike parading around with their boobs, asses, and vaginas falling out and/or their clothes super glued to their body for the whole world to see!

Self respect? Dignity? Class? Are those all things that have gone with the wind?! Seriously WTF!!! :?

I hate skanks...

TASHA1983's picture

It is truly sickening how nasty this world has become! They weren't kidding when they said "sex sells" because that seems to be ALL we see these days! I watch cartoons with my BS9 and I hear things like "make out" and see cleavage etc on CARTOONS! It makes me wish I could take my family and literally live under a rock! :O

htracewell's picture

Short Shorts need to go!!! My SD14 is a plus size girl and it is SO very unattractive. Not pretty on anyone if you ask me... ugh.

TASHA1983's picture

LOL - Whenever I see a girl or women looking like a tramp I can't resist the urge to say "slut", "whore" or whatever comes to mind at the time, I don't say it to them but I say it under my breath or while I'm in my car etc. DH will join in too sometimes...

I just don't get why women of any age need to or want to dress like that...makes us ALL look bad and gives men even more of an excuse to be the pigs most of them are. *sigh* Can't win... Sad

Elizabeth's picture

We went through this with SD, DH never "saw" it either. Buying the shorts that are already short but then you roll the waistband a few times. I won't let BD10 do that, DH claims he never knew they did that to show their as*. Whatever. SD one time had a pair of shorts that DH let her buy (he was with her when she picked them out) that I kid you not the longest piece of the cloth was the crotch area. She wore those damn things all the time, DH never said a thing, SD even claimed BM let her wear them to church. :jawdrop:

DaizyDuke's picture

GAH, I hate the nasty shorty short shorts! I remember last summer we were somewhere and my SIL said to DH.. "What the hell? Don't you think SD15 shorts are a wee bit short? Gawd, they barely cover her crotch!" My DH just shrugged and said that all the kids wear them like that and he didn't see the big deal.

of course that is DH's excuse for literally EVERYTHING now! Lazy? She's a teenager... Skanky? She's a teenager...Entitled? She's a teenager...Slobbish/nasty.. She's a teenager...Failing school? she's a teenager...UNLESS of course he wants someone (usually ME) to feel bad about not bowing down to the Perfect Precious Princess.. then "She's just a KIDDDDDD!"

Just J's picture

My SD19 wers short shorts EVERY time we see her. Seems to be the same pair every time, like she doesn't own anything else. And sadly, she's kind of a big girl so it doesn't exactly look great. She has a big butt and big thighs. DH says she seems comfortable with herself and I guess that's good but I think it's sad that such a young girl is that big solely as a result of horrible eating habits. She has soda and fast food all the time. She wasn't always so big. I was looking at some pics of her from last year and she was sooooo much smaller then and looked cute, but now she's 20-30 ponds heavier and still dressing the same. Is too bad really. Nothing wrong with being bigger, but I think people should dress appropriate for their size and she definitely does not.

Newstep's picture

OMG I am showing that link to SO!!! I thought maybe I was being a prude Blum 3 But I can't stand to see her dressed in skin tight short shorts they look terrible!!!

stormabruin's picture

I (halfway) hated to tell DH that when I talked to a friend of mine after MIL's funeral a few weeks ago, she said, "What the hell was up with SD's dress? When everyone was seated & the family came out to say goodbye before they closed the casket, SD bent down to kiss MIL & the entire room got a plain-as-day view of her yellow underwear!"

I had already gone back to family area & left DH & the kids to say their goodbyes, so I didn't see it, but I did notice, at the cemetery, that had the one bottom ruffle not been on her dress, it would've only covered 1/2 of her ass.

I start to ask myself how she can look at herself in the mirror & think that what she's wearing is appropriate to wear ANYwhere? But then I realize she thinks that because BM tells her it is.

I said something to DH about the comment & he said, "REALLY? I guess i wasn't really paying attention to what she was wearing".


I said something to him one time before when we met them & BM's mom in the parking lot at the mall for a few minutes one day. I sat in the car while they talked to DH. It was a little bit breezy & cool. SD was wearing booty shorts with a v-neck spaghetti-strap tank & some kind of sweater tied around her waist. She's 17 & has plenty to show.

I couldn't help but notice that every time a little breeze would come through she'd shiver. I kept wanting to tell her to WEAR SOME CLOTHES!

More than that, I noticed that she kept tugging on her tank & bottom. If you pull it down to cover your belly & the top comes down too far, your shirt is too fucking small.

She was cold & obviously not secure in what her shirt was doing, yet instead of covering up, kept her sweater tied around her waist.

I mentioned it to DH when he got back in the car, & he said, "I guess I didn't notice. Dad's don't look at stuff like that."

REALLY??? My dad would stroke, even with me being 38 years old, if he saw me dressed in that shit! MY dad would notice. I struggle to understand how a parent...expecially a father...could keep his mouth shut with his daughter showing everything she's got to anyone who wants (or doesn't want) to see it!

DH is a protective dad when it comes to SD. He really is. This baffles me!

ltman's picture

Oh come on, I wore short shorts back in the day. Yeah the crescent moons were showing and if I could pull it off now it would be tempting to do again. But I never wore them with family.

thinkthrice's picture

In my case, SD (stb 15) is easily a women's size 14 if not 16 and she has posted"sexy" photos of herself laying across the hood of some unknown pickup truck with her legs spread wide open and her cooch showing. Of course her massive thighs sort of cover the whole thing, and the photo is dim thank GOD. The BM is on FB and sees everything but does NOTHING about it.

There have been photos of her stuffing her bra, french kissing a female manikin (age 13), photos that look like she is "doing" various girlfriends and absolutely ZERO done about it as she continues on and on daily. The only thing BM has done has been to invite SD to a game of "scramble" on FB!! Her stepdad's mom sees all this. I can only wonder what SHE is thinking!! Let's just say the Stepdad-with-approval-stamped-on-his-forehead-by-the-BM's mom doesn't communicate too frequently with her!

stormabruin's picture

" she has posted"sexy" photos of herself laying across the hood of some unknown pickup truck with her legs spread wide open and her cooch showing."

I can this depicts our BM's FB photos more than it does my SD17's. BM posted an album of 78 pics of herself "modeling" in her bedroom. She has different wigs & different outfits. One of the pics is her in a tiny skirt straddled on her bed with her hand on her hips making love to the camera with dreamy eyes & fish lips. You can see her thighs all the way up to where they come at the groin.

She's friended all of SD's & SS's friends, so all of their friends know what BM had for breakfast that morning. How embarrassing for them!

thinkthrice's picture

"I can this depicts our BM's FB photos more than it does my SD17's. BM posted an album of 78 pics of herself "modeling" in her bedroom. She has different wigs & different outfits. One of the pics is her in a tiny skirt straddled on her bed with her hand on her hips making love to the camera with dreamy eyes & fish lips. You can see her thighs all the way up to where they come at the groin.

She's friended all of SD's & SS's friends, so all of their friends know what BM had for breakfast that morning. How embarrassing for them!"

Lovely! The maturity level of parents and their offspring seems to be dropping faster than a sofa hurled off a building.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

It's not a trend. They've been around since I was little. They've never really gone away. Thing is, lots of people realize they're for running or activities where you're going to be athletic, but they aren't just to wear, the same way a leotard isn't designed to be worn when you aren't doing gymnastics or figure skating. Then again, I see people in pajama pants and house slippers in the grocery store all the time, so I guess I don't really know what the hell is going on.

Newstep's picture

Well so far I have thrown away 4 pairs of short shorts!!! SO finally "noticed" and made her change the last time. She left them on the floor of her room and they mysteriously ended up in the trash }:)