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Newstep's picture

Do any of your kids or skids leave every freaking package of food open????????? Seriously I can't believe how much goes to waste :jawdrop: Makes me so mad.... }:)

SD is incapable of closing up any package of freaking anything!!! I have clips for all cookies, chips, crackers, etc. Or the package comes with a sealing bag. Nope left open to get stale or just folded over on the counter like that makes a difference. I have told her so many times and SO has gotten on her case about it. She still does it!!!


MamaDuck's picture

My 7yo does this!! Drives me nits. His reason.. "I'm sneaking food, if I close the packet you might hear it and then growl me"

Tuff Noogies's picture

drives me nucking futz... every freaking time. then when the get one and make that face "oh it's stale" they put it BACK on the counter!!! if it's stale then freaking throw it out, dont wait for me to do it!

such a waste of $$...

just.his.wife's picture

I had this problem.

I ended it by ensuring the ONLY snack foods in the house were apples and oranges. After about 6 weeks the skids made the mistake of asking 'why'. After that conversation we don't have a problem anymore.

** Note: there were at least six references to starving children across the world, charging for my maid services, making them pay for their own groceries etc during that rant.

Now: If someone can give me an idea of how to get teenagers to put trash IN the garbage can instead of sitting it on the counter, literally 1 inch from the can I would be forever grateful!


_______XX_ <--Trash on countertop
..........I _____ Trashcan
..........I I...I
..........I I...I


Tuff Noogies's picture

ah the mystery of how trash actually gets to the trash can...

still working on this myself. DH and I have resorted to making them get up off their asses and taking care of it right then and there.

typical conversation-

"OSS your wrapper doesnt belong on the counter. please put it in the trash."

"i will in a minute."

"no, u had your chance to take care of it earlier and you didnt. please do so now."

"but its tooo farrrrrr"


"cant you throw it out? you're right there..."

"you left it there to begin with, you fix it. NOW."

"uuuuggghhhhhhh" and they usually comply. eventually it'll be second nature to them. there has been some improvement, u just gotta keep up with it. every. damn. time. if u let it slide once or twice it will nearly totally undo all progress. (snicker- just ask my DH!)

DaizyDuke's picture

I love when SD15 puts a bag of chips back in the cupboard with just crumbs in the bottom.... seriously crumbs.. like WTF is the point of that? But then again, that's on a good day, most times, the empty or 98% empty bags just sit all over the floor of her bedroom until DH throws them out like the good little maid he is. Meh Sad

Newstep's picture

Uggggg this is SD!!!! SO also follows around and throws out her trash makes me sick!!! Such a turn off to see him act like her little bitch...

Tuff Noogies's picture

omg i've done that with the lightbulbs too!!!

they're really good about it during the day, but getting up to pee in the middle of the night they just can*NOT* figure to turn the damn thing off.

DH made the mistake ONCE of griping to me about the lightbulbs - i said "well i've been asking you for several years to deal with it in whatever way you see fit, and you CHOOSE not to. now we'll deal with it my way."


lillfiredog's picture

Your hubby supports this? All I would get is an eye roll... mind you he is one of the worst mess making, light leaving on, slobs ..... OH yea.

Newstep's picture

Yeah I blow up and get mad and get zero results. I am going to start enforcing the rule if you can't seal the bag, package, container, etc. back up you are no longer allowed to touch it!!!! }:)