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Geez quit following your dad!!!

Newstep's picture

Ughhhhh maybe I'm just PMSng. But good god SD is following SO around like a little creep. I'm in the bedroom he is cooking dinner he came in here to ask a question and practically ran her over when he turned to leave. He came back a few mins later with her hot on his heels he stopped and turned and knocked her down. Do you think he says quit following me??? Or go find something to do?? No........ It's OMG are you ok?? Poor SD. I'm just cringing the child is 13 almost 14 and she is following him around like a toddler. So aggravating.


oneoffour's picture

I would hand him a dog leash and say "Here, tie this to your daughter so you don't lose her." THEN blame PMS!

Anywho78's picture

My SS10 does the same thing with SO. He literally has to be right up his butt at all times. Recently, we were at the mall & SS shoved me out of the way in order to get close enough to SO...SO finally noticed SS's creepiness & he's been calling him on it when it happens. FYI, SS was most definitely told off about shoving me. SO never tolerates that type of behavior.

Funny enough, my 12 year old border collie has started doing the SAME thing to me...he's old & has arthritis & has taken to remaining within 1.5 feet of my person at all times...I laughed one day saying that Rufus (the dog) has taken lessons from SS10. SO has pointed out the dogs creepy lost puppy type of behavior to SS & SS now understands why SO doesn't like it.

We've started using "Creeper, stop creeping!" when he starts it up. Sadly, it's not working on the dog though...

bi's picture

sd20 didn't really follow fdh around, but she would freak out if he left her sight. he would go into a different room and she would say "where's my dad????" all out of breath and in a panic. if he went in the bathroom, she would stand outside the door and say, "dad? are you pooping?" a person can't even have privacy in the bathroom with her around! i asked her one day during a "where's my dad?" freak out episode if she was afraid he was going to run away and never come back. she looked like it embarrassed her that i asked that. by the way, she was not 5 or 6. she was 15-17. :O

Newstep's picture

OMG what is wrong with these kids!!! My bios werent like this and I definitely had better things to do when I was a teenager. I was always hanging out with my friends or watching TV, reading a book, listening to music or talking on the phone. Anything but following my parents around especially my dad!!!

Frustr8d1's picture

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these kids?! My SD10 is the biggest creepster of them all. I was in the kitchen when suddenly I felt like someone was watching me. Sure enough, I turn around and there she is--with her dirty hoodie on, head ducked down, staring at me through her messy hair. Its scared the shit out of me & I was pissed so I just ignored her. A normal person would walk in the room and say something, not just stand quietly 2 feet behind you with a distant stare on their pointy face!

I've decided, if she doesn't act normal, I'm not treating her normal ANYMORE!!! I'm assuming she was just standing there waiting for a hug but guess what?? You're not normal, then I'm not normal! If you want a hug, go ask your BM!

Before you all judge me, this kid has brought such hell to my life. She's mean, rude, nasty, dirty and has made it clear she wants nothing at all to do with DH and I. Unless it's her birthday or Christmas.

Natalia Ely's picture

What is wrong with these kids? They are so needy, so desperate!! Why can't they be like kids who haven't had their experiences? What would possibly make them deivate from some supposed norm? I just can't imagine, but one things is sure: it's their FAULT.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Listen to yourselves, ladies.

Newstep's picture

I raised 3 kids and my ex and I divorced when my youngest was 3. They didn't behave like this because I wouldn't have allowed it. I would have addressed it if they had an issue and corrected the behavior like parents are supposed to do. Not coddle them, wait on them hand and foot, treat them like adults and allow the behavior to continue. That is what I am dealing with. Yes SD's parents divorced it does not give her license to behave like a two year old when it suits her. She is 13 a month shy of being 14 she needs to learn to be independent not expect Daddy to take care of her and buy her whatever she wants for the rest of her life.

oldone's picture

DH's youngest did one better! "You're not my dad."

I'd have probably said with a deadpan face "Oh you two got those DNA results back already?"