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Concerned for SS

Newmom03's picture

Me and DH have a great marriage though we have so many years in between us. When we first started dating I was nervous because he had a 9 year old daughter as feisty as I am and a 11 year old son. I was nervous because I didn't know if they would give me problems because I was 21 years younger than him but we get along great. But for SS, maybe he got too comfortable. When we first got together we had a studio apartment and when the kids would come over we would share the bed (so glad we're doing better). We made it work but I started to wake up in the middle of the night from touching. Thought it was my husband but when I would look he was snoring his heart away,they all seem to be. This continued for a while and I thought I could possibly be having weird dreams. One night I felt hands moving on me and woke up and DH was knocked out and SS was walking away from where I slept. So confused and didn't wanna believe it but I started to realize I wasn't dreaming. I felt like okay maybe I should put better pajamas on (wasn't half naked but decided no matter how hot, I wouldn't wear pajama shorts or tank tops),but one time woke up in the morning to my sweats slowly coming off and I looked straight at him and he just walked away. I told DH who told me maybe it's what I wore to bed. I had on SWEATS! Decided when the kids came to stay I would go stay at my dad's house,but he still shows weird signs, even with them getting their own room now. A few times I was showering and the door just swung open, got my towel to go close the door and SS is walking away from it. He's been in our room and took our lube and BM says she's finding so much porn and he's not just watching it in private. I care for him and don't want his behavior to escalate towards me or any other female. He is now 13 and sexual behavior is still bold and I don't know if this is dangerous.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I just want to say, the posters above covered it. None of it is okay. But I seriously am a bit angry at your DH: "maybe it's what you wore" Like excuse me??? How does you wearing ANYTHING have to do with the fact that SS decided to be inappropriate? I don't care if all you wore was underwear to bed (probably not the best idea with kids in the house...) but that still gives SS absolutely ZERO excuse to be laying ANY hands on you, period.

Newmom03's picture

Yes I agree and thought about leaving DH because I couldn't believe he tried to blame it on me. But instead I chose to leave the house when the kids would come stay.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

And I understand you doing that completely. Just watch yourself please, this doesn't sound like a good situation whatsoever, and definitely isn't in the normal realms for a teenager.

s-kill me's picture

Ditto to what everyone else said.  Also, have you considered counseling for SS? Although it's normal to start exploring sexuality at this age, the boldness of what you're describing sounds far beyond what is normal.  I don't mean to make assumptions, but in my line of work, this would likely be sent to CPS for a welfare check.  Is there a possibility that SS has been victimized himself?

Newmom03's picture

I definitely thought about therapy for him because I never thought he could be a victim of sexual abuse, but I have thought what if he wants or already has touched SD? But sadly my husband and BM constantly blames it on being "a boy" and I don't feel it's right to put him in therapy without their consent.

justmakingthebest's picture

The others have all said it perfectly. You have to protect yourself. This is not normal behavior and SS is only going to get bigger. He needs counseling ASAP as well as a true confrontation. If you and BM are on good terms (if she is telling you about the porn, I would think she is concerned too) see if she would be willing to do this intervention with you. 

Saint_Gus's picture

I just want to chime in with agreement to what the others said. I definitely think you and husband should address it, and making him go to a therapist as well. I'd be concerned if it was just you and your husband dealing with it in-house may just make him sneakier about it, rather than fixing the problem. Its so sad how much porn young kids have such easy access to because I feel like it de-sensitizes them and gives such unrealistic expectation for kids so young, but I don't know really how you can fix that beyond the usual restricting access and monitoring stuff. I imagine its near impossible to completely eliminate it. Also I just want to say that I'd be concerned for his sister as well. Good luck. That sucks to have to deal with.

Newmom03's picture

Agreed! I am concerned for SD and don't want to wait til it's too late. But she's not with us 24/7 and they don't talk about how things go in BM household. But I know she works a lot and leaves them at the house by theirselves. Plus now I'm having a daughter and don't want to ever leave her around her OWN brother and I hate to say that.