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Just a Question...Input please???

newmom01's picture

MIL had some chest pains and ended up in the hospital, so me,dh, and OUR kids went to see her, then when we got home later that night BM calls my dh and tells him that she is going up there tommorow (today) and I guess she is bringing ss's.. and dh asked what time.... Why? Is he planning on going up there too and make it one big family reunion?

I think I am over reacting, I have not said anything to dh or made any smart comments, it just heated my hide when she called...Why are you going, it is not your mother! or your MIL ...Is it to just take the kids? That would be ok, but why call my dh and inform him? Just go ... (Right) :?


FrustratedAng's picture

You are not over reacting! I would be irritated if BM went to visit MIL but I'd be down right pissed if DH met up with them there. What DH should do is offer to go get skids and take them himself, no reason for BM to even be involved.

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

Maybe he wanted to know what time so you all didn't go at the same time? Did you ask DH? I hope MIL is ok!

Jsmom's picture

She has no business going...DH should take the kids. She is not a part of the family anymore...