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SS5 3ft5 and 67 pounds

newbiestepmom25's picture

SS5 is overweight. DH is in denial. He says he is just big boned and broad shouldered like a football player. I'm not making fun of SS5 at all I'm worried about him. I was only 13 pounds heavier than that when I was 13 he is only 5. DH keeps letting him eat crap food I go grocery shopping and pick up fruits, veggies, and healthy snacks. I even take the time out to make granola bars and pre portion apples and peanut butters and frozen chocolate covered banana halfs. I come home to a pantry full of crap foods and snacks. I'm not home during the day so its DH's job to make sure his son eats good and gets outside.

On my day off on a weekend if I sit back and monitor what SS5 eats.
For breakfast: two bowls of sugary cereal ( because he is hunnnnnnngry)
For lunch : a Mcdonald's kids meal and extra fries from DH's meal ( Because he is still hungry)
For snacks throughout the day: two artificially flavored popsicles, two bags of Cheetos, a snack cake, a fruit roll up, and two juice boxes.
For dinner : two cut up hot dogs covered in ketchup, potato chips, cup of juicy juice ( because he threw a fit over what I cooked).
and sometimes if he cries he is hungry DH gives him a night time snack

I pack SS's lunch for school so I at least know he is eating one healthy meal a day and I try to cook a nutritious dinner but DH will let him cry his way out of eating anything healthy because he would rather him just eat something he likes than to go to bed hungry.

DH and I use to be on the same page about eating healthy as a family but now he just gives into to SS to avoid tantrums. How do I get through to DH that he needs to care more about his kids health. I don't want him letting baby grow up eating like that while I'm at work.


OtterWater1's picture

That menu is atrocious. Wow.
The sad truth is that your DH needs to take the reigns on this...or at least support your efforts.

That said, an 80 pound 13 year old is really small. Smile My DD is almost 13 and is about 110... and there's not an ounce of fat on her. She's very athletic.

The poor kid is totally being set up for juvenile diabetes.