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"MY SM is evil she makes me wear shoes from Walmart"

newbiestepmom25's picture

I was just watching this TV show called scared straight and this little 12 year old says he lied to school officials about his SM abusing him. Why because she is evil and when he got 0's on his report card she took his Nike shoes and made him wear walmart brand shoes to school.

I almost spit out my water watching that. MY SM use to go to the Swap Meet and get me shoes and I use to think that was really cool because we would sit together and personalize them. I was lucky if my mom or dad or SM or SD actually brought me name brand shoes and I didn't care the difference. Shoes are shoes. I called my SM evil inside my own head once when she took my room phone out of my room for being sassy lol.

Kids these days SMH. That's like saying my SM is so evil she took my touch screen phone and replaced it with a flip phone I hate her. LMBO.


AliceP's picture

How do you raise a kid to not care about that name brand "cool" stuff aside from being the religious homeschooler type. I just don't have it in me.

oneoffour's picture

Immediate gratification and entitlement.

Look at it this way ... kid wants namebrand. Parents either
a) have the cash
b) use a creditcard
c)tell the kid to ask a relative to front up with the money by using emotional blackmail (works very well with divorced parents)
d)tell *kid* to earn them/it by doing chores then bailing and buying the item on the promise that the kid WILL mow the lawn all summer and shovel snow in winter
e)Tells the kid that he/she needs to save his/her money instead of buying songs on iTunes and when the money is saved THEN the child gets the item.

Sadly option e is seldom observed. When people see and buy instead of thinking about it... this only allows kids to feel they get what they WANT (and not need) when they want it and not wait.

My personal rule is go back the next day. If it is still there you are meant to have it as long as you have the cash for it. If not ... you save up and wait.
Making do usually means you are richer.

OtterWater1's picture

Hi, newbie... I'm stuck wondering why the SM was taking away the SM took away his shoes for getting zeroes.
Where's the kid's father? :?

purpledaisies's picture

First taking brand ne shoes away as punishment is the same as taking iPod or games or cell away if that is where the kid is going to learn not to do it again. For that kid it could be that those shoes are important to him and the am knows it. I see nothing wrong with that. She did give him shoes to where just not his beloved ones. And obviously it got to the kid as he threw a stink about it.

I only see an entittled bear here just trying to stick to his sm.

The_Other_Mother's picture

This gives me ideas for my SD's Doc Martins that she loves so much... }:) I'll make her wear some bright neon shoes... I think she'd fake some ailment and try to go home early or something.

purpledaisies's picture

Good grief since when do we always have to go through our Dh? If this woman had her dhs support which we don't know either way so why make just that one part the issue?

No the issue here is that an adult in this kids life doled out a punishment and if you ask me it wasn't a bad one at all.

Obviously this kids Nike's is something he loves and sm took something away that she knew would hit him where it count. Hence the stink he threw about it.

Honestly I don't care of the sm took the shoes or the dad b/c the dad could gave given sm the authority to do so. We don't know as we aren't there and neither the am or dad is here to say.

Lets drop that part if it as we will never know that part of the story.

Besides I bet that kid will think twice about his grades if he doesn't want his Nike's to be taken!

This is such a stupid thing for us to be debating about weather or not dad should have doled it out or the am should have. That is NOT the point! The point us that this kid was making sm out to be evil when all she wanted was for him tomake good grades nothing wrong with that!

purpledaisies's picture

Well see the thing is that every situation is different. I can yell you I can Dole out a punishment with my skids and I have. I have my dhs full support. And my skids know I mean it. So whose to say that that is not the situation with thus kid? I mean I have taken their Xbox away and I'd do it again of I needed too. I also made ss17 write 10 reasons why we don't hit out of frustration and both NM and DJ backed me up. What I'm trying to say us we don't know and if we don't know im not going to jump thus poor woman about weather should or shouldn't Dole out a punishment! I just thunk that is stupid to be jumping on the sm for that.

Obviously the sm knew that taking his Nike's would effect that boy and it seemed to work as he got mad! If your kid doesn't get mad about punishments you aren't doing your job!

B22S22's picture

Isn't one of the number one rules of "discipline" finding the child's "currency"??

My DD is easy to discipline.

My DS not so much. He's one of those kids who doesn't care what I try to do, most of the time it doesn't matter to him. But there are a few things that hit him where it hurts. So although those things have nothing to do with grades, that's the first thing that goes when grades drop!