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About to f*cking snap on ss and inlaws!

newbiestepmom25's picture

Today is potlock sunday in my house. DH's family and my family are all over with their dishes. I am in the kitchen mixing the filling for my doubled eggs and homemade apple pie. SS5 walks in scratching his butt. I tell him to go wash his hands and "stop doing that!". Then my mom yells that the baby is crying and may need a diaper change or bottle so I leave the kitchen, calm down baby and come back to finish up cooking. SS is in there with his finger in the apple pie bowl. I asked him did he wash his hands he said " No i'm about 2". I really wanted to scream at him but he is 5 and kids make mistakes. I told him you never put your fingers in food and you always wash your hands and that now I have to start all over. I yelled for DH who was outside with my brother to get SS. Then about an hour later SS walks back in and asks me what S-H-I-T spells. I told him its a bad word. He kept on asking me so I told him to go ask his father (DH). Then FIL comes stomping into the kitchen yelling at me why didn't I tell him it was a bad word and that it is my job to parent ss not just DH's. I told him I already said it was a bad word and he wouldn't listen no can you please get out of my kitchen. Then he goes to MIL and I hear them mumbling crap about me. My mom tells them that's enough and to act like adults. My mom should not have to tell them that. Now the apple pie is in the oven and the eggs are filled and I am in my room. I am really freakin heated right now.


newbiestepmom25's picture

That's what I want to do. But y mom told me to be civil for the sake of SS. Or they will make a big scene screaming and yelling and then leave telling SS sorry we have to leave becase newbiestepmom25 doesn't want us here.

newbiestepmom25's picture

Thanks dtzyblnd that is a good idea. I am going to tell my mom to take SS to the park real fast and then i am going to promptly kick them out. I will be back online later. Thanks this was the advice I needed.

HungryEyes's picture

I would have served them from the first apple pie! Just kidding! I'm sorry that is so frustrating. All that hard work and they are being disrespectful in your home! I'm mad for you!

oldone's picture

I'd probably have ripped the face off of anybody who came in and told me that it was my job to parent some crotch dropping.

Tuff Noogies's picture

Hang a sign on the drawbridge- "come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big pointy teeth."


(Holy Grail is an absolute classic- one of my alltime favorites)