Why is he so helpless?!?
I swear - I want to kill my BF (SD's BD). She's taking a tough class this semester, and the final test is Monday. She has been bombing and just passing. Getting better (with tutoring from her BF) but not enough to get a B. Meanwhile, she is on the verge of acceptance to a College Academy High School for next year, and they make a decision in April. By then, grades will be in, and they will see these semester grades. So she's got one chance to bring the C to a B on Monday's test.
She wants to be tutored by the BF but that is only producing Cs. We're not stupid - they very well may be studying, but there is def smooching going on too! LOL So she tells me "I don't like asking people I don't know to tutor me". I asked a co-worker who is EXCELLENT in the subject(and almost got a PhD a couple years ago) if she remembers the topics. She said she would look back and let me know tomorrow. As a back up I found several PhDs online who will tutor and are up to date on the subject - relatively cheap none the less.
So I ask SD what topics it is, and she tells me, and adds that her BF is going to tutor her. My feeling? Okay, that's all well, but this is the last chance to get a good grade (which the college academy will definitely see before they make their decision).
So I call my BF (the BD) and tell him about the co-worker. His response "well how long has it been for her - sheesh". I told him she was going to see if she still remembered - the woman has books on this stuff ready at home (that's how serious she is). I told him if it doesn't work out with her, that there are lines of PhDs and Masters students who are tutors and can tutor for at least a couple hours. He's just like "yeah, okay" like whatever. He is normally all over her doing good grades, but he's completely retarded today. I don't know what the deal is.
He's been working a different shift at work for a guy who was in the hospital, and he goes in at the afternoon and gets home late. Bit of tension I guess from not seeing each other, and with me taking care of dinner, etc (and not being able to get to my college stuff) it's been stressful. I left a piece of paper with a sticky note on it, with a full description of an issue I needed him to take care of. I tell him about it as I am discussing the tutoring, and I get "I don't know what you want ME to do about it?" HELLO - it's on the fkn note what I want you to do! Why are men so helpless? I can normally deal with it, but not today! Just hung up the phone. So ready to say fk it - you don't care about the tutor FINE! Let her get rejected from the school we've tried so hard to get her into! You don't care about the note I left? Fine - and when you not calling (like I asked) puts someone in danger (it was about a safety recall) than I don't want to hear about that either!!!!!!!
GRRR! Thank goodness it's Thursday! Friends are coming down from Ocala (my friends - my age group, not his which is older) and it was going to be a bunch of couples. I don't even want him to go! I want to be a 20 something year old for a change and not be a fkn 40 year old in a 20 something year old body! I may just get trashed, dance, and say fk it - fk it all! St. Pattys day last night - what did I do? Visited his mom, went grocery shopping, bought lotto (in hopes of winning millions and running away lol), and had to go to other stores last minute! I am WAY too old for my age!
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