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Seeing Red

NevermoreLenore's picture

So I ask my husband if he can exchange my rental DVD when he runs out to get his soda. Its Tuesday and the new releases Id like to see come out. He says sure.

Then as he goes to walk out stepson runs up with him and is like 'Daddeeeeee can I come? Your going to switch that for G.I. Joe or an action movie right?'

Husband goes along w kid. That kid heard me say that I wanted to see something else. Husband knew I wanted to. Am I wrong to feel that right response would have been,'Lenore is watching her movie, how about we talk about YOU picking something out Wednesday?"

Its just these things that aggravate me


Onefootout's picture

So he is really going to get SS a movie instead of yours or in addition to yours? No matter though, that kid is annoying. Actually, the kid is just being a kid, but your DH....

One time SO asked me in front of SS16 if I wanted to go to a movie after our dinner date. SS turned and scowled, daggers came out of his eyes. Before anyone could say anything I told SS, yes, SS we're doing what couples do, nothing wrong with that!

tryingmom's picture

They just don't get that the adults get to do fun things WITHOUT the skids!! Skids at our house think we sit and cry until they return. God help us if we eat THEIR snacks in their absence.

Shaman29's picture

Skids and kids. It doesn't matter if they're their kids or our kids. There are just times when the adults. My own parents used to shoo us out from time to time. Why is this such a crime now?

NevermoreLenore's picture

Its even more annoying when my husband acts like it is a crime to have fun without his children. Hellooooo, we still have 3 other kids here!

NevermoreLenore's picture

He said the movie I wanted and the one his son wanted were not available. So he got one HE wanted. Me raises my eyebrow in suspicion.

realitycheckmom's picture

My DD loved it when we had adult time, she got to see her GPs and was thrilled. My SS used to love it too. Then when the PAS started he lost his shit any time we wanted to be alone. Even if it was for 5 minutes. My favorite though was when his dad was on nights and DH would get up and spend most of the day playing with SS and then need to nap before work. SS would constantly want to wake his dad up. SS was 9 and I have no idea why he got so needy and entitled. DD understood and she was 3.

NevermoreLenore's picture

Im having that experience too. Things were much more balanced here before the PAS. Now the stepchildren get angry and jealous.

Its compounded by him playing SuperDad because he doesn't want the mother to win her PAS war so he kisses their asses more.

bearcub25's picture

DSO took his kids by himself to a cabin and fun for 4 days last week. When he dropped them to BM, he told them that he & I were going to do some things for the last 3 days of his vacation. If he checked in on FB or posted a pic...he would have a call within a half hour from SS...daddddddyyyyy come get me, bring me money, take me somewhere.

I told him repeatedly to just block the skids. Its FB, not real life and they would get over it. He refuses.

NevermoreLenore's picture

Im thinking of doing a FB page. But they will all be blocked. My spouse refuses to FB because if he posts the wrong opinion, joke,or funny picture it could be a career under these days. I am glad because that would be too much.

Honestly, I did have a FB years ago but the ex wife and others were enough to make me delete it.

luchay's picture

Oh yes!

We were all away on holiday last summer, the kids had ruled the one TV in the place with Disney channel on ALL the time we were in the house we had rented.

One evening the 3 girls (sd13 and dd's 10 and 7) were all outside, just ss10 OH and I inside, OH says "there's nothing on, any preferences?" (to ME) I say "I'd like to see some news actually!"

SS says "music!" So OH puts the f*cking music channel on.....

Needless to say I was pissed. I let him have it.

We also have the issue where OH gets all miserable and can't enjoy himself (or gets the guilts) if we do anything fun when skids aren't with us. Talk about a downer. I have told him it is unfair to me and my kids, and also kinda insulting. He says "I just miss my kids, why is that such a problem?"

And heaven forbid the skids find out we go anywhere without them. Watch anything fun on TV, hell, Living when they aren't here is a problem.... we apparently are supposed to wait in a state of suspended animation not doing a THING until the blessed little beings return to lighten our days with their presence.

I told him on Saturday night that if he is going to continue wallowing around NOT living, planning or enjoying life when they aren't here then he needs to go back to BM and them. *I* want to enjoy my life, and if being with me makes him that miserable then F*ck off. He was better on Sunday LOL

NevermoreLenore's picture

My husband does the SAME thing with the tv. Walks in and just puts stupid Nickleodeon on. Grrrrrr