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NevermoreLenore's picture

Are our blog's pulled up in google? Are they safer or more dangerous than posting in forum?

What do all of the abbreviations mean?

Can I get my stuff deleted if ex wife finds me here?


Sunflower1's picture


Depending on the key words searched on google, a forum post or blog post can be pulled up. I believe the abbreviations are in the FAQ, but most common ones:

DH-Darling Husband
DW-Darling Wife
Skid- Step Kid
SS-Step Son
SD-Step Daughter
BM-Bio Mom
EOWE-Every other weekend
EOW-Every other week
etcetera, etcetera.

Blogs you can delete, forum posts you can not.

NevermoreLenore's picture

Thanks for the information. I will have to be selective in my blog titles if things can be googled! Smile