Naturelover's Blog
Trying to be strong
I am trying so hard to be strong right now but just desperately want to reach out to my husband. I haven't spoken to him in two days- left so I could have time to think on my own. I miss him and so wish things were different. Trying so hard to remember that we are where we are because of BOTH of us, not just me
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So, update everyone. We fly home today from vacation. Husband blew up on me last night as I went for a drink with my two adult children. The plan was then him and I would go for a drink. But, I came back and he was asleep- then he blows up when I start to pack. Then, tells me f*** you, we're done. So, this entire trip has been tenuous, it is so plainly obvious that he does not like my kids and they do not like him. He even made mention that he doesn't want them in "his" house anymore. So, after our longn day of travel today, I plan to pack a bag once he's asleep and head out.
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Divorce or not?
OK, I know I posted yesterday but I really need some outside takes on my situation. So, my husband and I have been married four years this Friday. Initially, our marriage was fantastic. We went on trips together, always spent time together, and had a great time. Once I introduced him to my family, stuff started going bad real quick. My family, who I had thought was always supportive, suddenly turned on me and just went pure evil. They were upset that I was with him, thought he was tearing the family apart, and just lost their minds. I did not speak to my parents or siblings for months.
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What to do?
So, my husband and I are about to celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary. But, unfortunately, I don't believe it will be much of a celebration. My husband is so very angry with me and I don't think our marriage can stay afloat. When we first got together, my family did not like him and let it be known that they were not fans of his. He is also not a fan of theirs. He has not spoken to my parents or siblings in years and they have not spoken with them.
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Advice for dealing with teenage daughter
Hi everyone,
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Fathers Day Debacle
So, this morning I got up to help my stepson and my daughter make a breakfast for my husband for fathers day. I then took my duaghter to her dad's house and went and saw my dad. My 18 year old step daughter is away, returning today from the beach. She literally got with me at 9:30 this morning to ask about a dinner for her dad. He then gets upset with me, says he is going to forget all about fathers day because he is always an afterthought. I am very put out and upset. For me, fathers and mothers day is a breakfast and that's it.
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Hi there everyone - I have written a couple of blogs in the past so let me give you an update. My husband and I are doing OK, not great but much better. I have decided to have my DD, 16, live with her dad right now. It was so stressful with her and her SD. They don't get along and it is hard. He has tried so hard over the last few years to connect with her. They will have a relationship and then BOOM!, it's like he doesnt exist to her. Everyday is a new day. From her point of view, any time she improves, we find something new to critize her on and she has just given up caring.
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Advice needed
I am debating right now if I have my daughter live with her dad o'n a permanent basis. I know she doesn't like her step dad, I'm not sure if she ever has. He expects a lot more out of everybody and she doesn't want to engage at all. I have not dealt with things as I should have - I have tried many things. I had her in counseling, I have tried talking and journaling with her, I have given her more wiggle room than I should have because I am afraid of damaging her psyche.
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My husband told me today that he is going to divorce me. With everything going on right now, it is not possible to move on it so we will co-habitate. I am struggling so much - I love my husband dearly and want to spend the rest of my life with him. At the beginning of our relationship, we went through a lot of bull**** with my family (parents, siblings). They don't like him, didn't accept him and pretty much cut me out of their lives. They were extremely toxic.
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