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First surprise of the summer

myspoonistoobig's picture

So DH and SS are at the hotel, waiting for their flight here tomorrow. Apparently DH was looking for SS's pajamas, and discovered that darling BM put a stuffed Jesus doll in the suitcase for SS.

I'll let that sink it for a minute.

That's right... stuffed Jesus doll.

I'm a little freaked out. I'm a lot amused.

Can you imagine the commercials?

I thought crap like that was only made for like... crazy hedonistic gag gifts?


It might be wrong, but if this isn't the stuffed thing he sleeps with right now, little stuffed Jesus (oh, everytime I think the phrase I have to pause with incredulity) is going into hiding... somewhere.... not sure where yet but I will find a spot.

Holy crap.

Stuffed Jesus.


myspoonistoobig's picture

Right? SS is 5. If I had to describe the doll I'd say it's like someone took some markers, and drew a buddy christ with a mona lisa smile, and then stitched the fabric together and stuffed it.

Very creepy looking.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Well, to put it in a little more context...

We had to cut a deal in which she got to change SS's last name to her new spouse's last name, and in return she wouldn't try to make us practice Christianity in our house when SS is there (which she can still legally do in her state), OR hide our own religion from him.

Stuffed Jesus is probably protecting him from our super duper evil tree-hugging ways.

Often I just think she ain't playin with a full deck.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Not mine, hers... though it will be mine eventually.

If it makes you feel any better, only TWO states are left that allow that kind of madness.

luchay's picture

It's way beyond crazy.

It's actually scary.

Full on big brother we can make you do anything we want scary.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Right? That's the day you walk down to the security office with a bag of weed and go "Process me out fellas!"

luchay's picture

I was wondering does it only apply to Christianity?

what if BM says she's ummmmm (trying to come up with something not controversial) Hindu?

Would the Government in that state say that the Christian father's family had to practice Hinduism?

What if you were Jewish? And she claimed to be Muslim? They cannot seriously expect you to convert for the time period the skid is in your home?

This is just bending my mind the more I think about it.

oldone's picture

Anybody want a voodoo doll? DH and I are driving to New Orleans tomorrow.

Or just send me names and I will name them and let my dog tear them to pieces.

oldone's picture

OMG - I so want to send one to tongue speaking BM. I'm surprised that it doesn't have blond hair and blue eyes like all those pictures I used to see in Sunday School.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Hahahahah! No!

But I am definitely making a meme with this doll, and when I do, it will be shared here.

Tuff Noogies's picture

wow that is disturbing. especially the description of potential uses. very disturbing...

myspoonistoobig's picture

Agreed. Sock monkey ftw.

And I would have so much fun playing with a Jesus sock monkey. }:)

myspoonistoobig's picture

I can just see it. DH and I naked. I whip out the sock monkey.

"DH you've been a very very bad boy."

I would very much look forward to returning the sock monkey after that.

hereiam's picture

Oh, that is funny. I cannot wait for the second, third, fourth, and fifth surprise of the summer. Let the summer games begin!

myspoonistoobig's picture

Minnesota, and I can't remember the other state.

Basically they're just allowed to demand that the court order you to take the kid to church and other specific observances without regard to your own faith, depending upon the will of the CP.

It's shitty.

misSTEP's picture

That is....very odd. And that is from someone who was raised going to church every Sunday, in choir from K through senior year, bible school in summer, the whole 9 yards.

Shaman29's picture

Please, please, please tell me it does NOT have little red holes in it's hands and feet. Or wearing a crown of thorns.

Am banging my head on desk.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Ugh.... I'm going to have nightmares where I wake up and it's floating above my bed!