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too much

mygirls03's picture

I am a step mom in a blended family we have our daughter 14y. my daughter 10y. and his daughter 8. We were together in college, had a daughter, seperated and each had another daughter before getting back together about six years ago. recently everything has become too much. not just for me but this is from the mouth of my 8yr old stepdaughter. she is with her mom one wk and us one wk. there have been numerous probs with mom since the beginning but i am more concerned with the issues at our home. my husband says she is unhappy and does not want to come to our house. he says that she feels bad about her self and the other two pick at her and she does not feel like she can defend herself. she sneaks off and calls her mom instead of bringing the issue to him or me. there is too much for me to even write but i am really at the end of my rope after last week!!!!!!!!!!!


mygirls03's picture

Well, there are days that even I hear them ALL picking at each other like all or so i thought sisters do. our 14yr old just rolls her eyes and says yes ok whatever i will be nicer to her and then comes to me alone and says i did not even say that or do what the 8yr old SD says has happened. my husband constantly says that he thinks she just wants it back to the way it was before when it was just him and her. i am about to say i said there is so much more to all of this but anyway.....he says that about twice a day when she is here he can tell she is upset or sad but he runs to her and hovers over her and it is weird b/c on the week she is gone he does not do that with the other kids. this week he even chose to lose a few hundred dollars in airfare (i had planned a surprise getaway for us in two weeks) because she brought home a form about a daddy daughter dance at the local community center and he said he feels like he needs to do this with her because she is having a rough time and we can go away another weekend. like i told him....i was trying to make some time for work on us but at this point it doesnt even matter....

TheWife's picture

How was it ever just him and her if you guys have an older daughter together?

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

Constantly_guilty's picture

From my perspective it can be really difficult to be an only child (essentially, obviously she had an older half-sister that lived with you but not a full time sibling) to becoming the baby of the bunch. My BD is now the baby in our household because SD is twice her age. But when it was just me and BD she was the only kid in the house. She didn't have to share TV time, she helped decide what foods to eat, she had more of my undivided attention. Now she's one of two and she's the little one at that. She has the least power and control in our household by virtue of her age and it frustrates her. For your SD, I'm sure the problem is compounded by the fact that when she goes back to her BMs house she is the only child again and she likes that. Also, it's gotta be pretty confusing to spend part of your life living with your dad and mom and visiting with your half sister and by extension knowing her mother and then that person comes back around and is your step-mother.

I think you need blended family counseling.