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This is long and I'm sorry... I'm just so frustrated.

msg1986's picture

First off I don't want this blog to seem like I'm hating on my Ss or anything like that, I'm venting more so because of how messed up things are and how Dh hasn't handled it at all. I don't blame Ss at all, it's just a hard situation and I'm frustrated.

Anyway, when Dh and I started dating I had zero knowledge of how custody/visitation, child supp and basically step life in general worked, so everything I know I've taught myself by doing research on my own and with Dh. Well in the beginning Dh made it seem like his CS was based off the time he spent w/ Ss, which is every weekend. I thought it was a little much at first but after things got serious and we eventually moved in together and got married I didn't care too much because I know seeing his son every weekend makes him happy but I also didn't mind because I was under the impression that it kept his child supp down. Well last week I was looking at some child supp calculators to see what Dh child supp may change to because he is going to get a promotion, and low and behold I came to find that Dh's CS ISN'T based on his time w/ Ss but that he pays the max amount as though he is seeing ss every other weekend. I was pretty upset. I mentioned it to Dh and he was like "oooh oh yeah, I remember now they don't consider my time w/ SS." which P'd me off even more because I feel like he lied to me. It wouldn't be a big deal to me but he insists we share finances and I'm fine with it but something like that is important to know, or at least i think so.

Now I have to mention I could care less that Ss is with us every weekend, I mean I would like a break every now and then but whatever, I'm already used to it. What does bothers me, and I've written about it here before, is that we are driving to BFN every single weekend wasting gas and Bm refuses to meet Dh ever unless she's out and then she'll ask to meet Dh but only to wherever she is or where she's going. I wigged out on Dh after I found out and told him he needs to get off his a$$ and get in court to get some type of arrangement made where she picks Ss up or meets Dh at a half way point. I'm so sick of dh letting this chick take advantage.Yes Dh has come a long way from the days when she'd say jump and his only response was how high but that's not the point. She seems to have this attitude that Ss is the freaking 2nd coming of christ and Dh should be kissing her feet for letting him get him every weekend. It also doesn't help that Ss has been acting so entitled lately. Just this weekend he's started to go thru Dd's toys to see if anything belongs to him and will go hide it away in his room.Or if she's playing with something that is his, he'll go take it away from her and throw it on the other side of the couch or wherever, not because he wants to play with it but just so that she doesn't play with it. As it is I don't like dealing w/ stingy kids but to go and take things from my daughter that I bought with my money for him royally pisses me off. I get that he's a kid but added to everything goin on, let's just say I had a lot of resentment this weekend.

I'm just beyond bugged and I feel like an idiot for not putting 2 and 2 together sooner about how muchs he's paying, and the fact that we have Ss more than he gets credit for and that we do SO much driving and just... just everything. I treat Ss like gold, dh treats his son like gold and not that there needs to be gratitude because we do what's right but it's infuriating. Dh needs to stop slacking and get this corrected because I can feel resentment growing and I know that's not good for our marriage. :/


DaizyDuke's picture

My, my, my... isn't your BM super special? She gets the MAX CS, you guys do ALL the travelling and she get EVERY weekend off! It sounds to me more like SHE is the second coming of Christ.

How long have things been like this? I'm guessing that your DH is not going to want to rock this boat, like most of the ball- less wonders around here.

msg1986's picture

Right? It's ridiculous. We're basically paying her to be her weekend babysitter. It's not right.

pfft Daizy, it's been this way from day 1. Dh let Bm walk all over him before we got together. Granted he has put his foot down on a lot but this is a big issue for me, mainly because we share money and I'm just not okay with him paying so much PLUS all the costs for gas.

msg1986's picture

Wow... That's about what we do also, it comes out to like just under 2 hours.

How did you guys come about going every other weekend? I almost want to suggest this to Dh but I dont want to seem like the bad guy. I just want what's fair.

notastepyet's picture

As far as your as taking "his" toys and hiding them or having an issue with sharing.....this is what I did. Everything in this home is MINE. I am gracious enough to spend my hard earned money on kids....buying toys, electronics, trips, ect. That give me the right to take any and all of those things should I see fit. Behaviors?, fighting?, feeling entitled?, *poof* I take all my shit back and you can stare at a blank white wall.

Until kids work and make a paycheck and buy things for themselves, if I pay for it I own it.

msg1986's picture

yeah, that's how I feel too. Ya know, Dh makes only enough to cover probably half of the bills so anything comes is paid for by me. How do you suggest we go about that? I mean like when I see him taking toys and what not.

twoviewpoints's picture

From what I could tell from the worksheets/calculators your DH would be paying the same whether he had the child one weekend a month or four. The difference didn't come in until he would hit 35%. So I do see your point of why four if CS stays same as just EOWE.

On the otherhand, what does DH think of cutting back visitation? It sounds like DH wants to see his child as much as possible and would likely begin resenting you if you try and talk him into only having child half of what you do now.

DH/you can always occasionally waive a visit if you'd like a weekend get-away or get a sitter for a weekend date night...everybody needs breaks, that part is very understandable and DH couldn't fault you having the need for a Saturday afternoon and evening kid free once in a while. Your issue seems to be the cost of transporting SS along with the time to do so. Rightly so. Gas is expensive and BM is being a snot by refusing to do her share.

CS and transportation or two different things though. I think you just need to discuss with DH how expensive and time consuming EWEd is, that you don't resent his time with SS nor do you mind him being there but the time has come to be realistic in the cost and modify the CO to include who/how exchanges will occur. DH doing it totally on his own on top of full CS is nothing but BM taking advantage. It's time to hold BM accountable for her share of the exchange responsibility

msg1986's picture

Oh yeah, being that we have Ss every weekend we are just under that 35% but not enough to count. It's aggrivating but I'm used to it and I'm used to having Ss here with us every weekend. I know it would hurt Dh to cut time with his son and so i'm not too interested in that. All I want is for Bm to do her share in transportation. To meet Dh half way or even we pick up ss on friday and she picks him up sunday. I don't think it's a lot to ask, right? Sad

thinkthrice's picture

Welcome to the club!!! Familiarize yourself with this term:

To this day, the guy I'm living with PURPOSELY OVERPAYS his CS to the point of being unable to support himself. He also was taking all three of his kids EVERY weekend as well and here in NYS, they don't count time spent. Just "custodial" and "non-custodial" OH and he was burning gas driving 45 minutes one way as well as back and forth to skid's sporting events in their hometown, sometimes 2 or 3 roundtrips a weekend. Events that were purchased with CS and biodad was never consulted about beforehand. He's got 11 years down and 11 years (at least) to go cuz in NYS CS goes on till at least 21 and longer if the BM can come up with a lame excuse (which the BM in my case will)

msg1986's picture

wow thanks for the link, sounds like Bm over here. Thankfully Dh has changed a lot but his laziness has prevented him from going to court. That has to change though, I used to have a fear of what could happen if he went to court but now that I know he's paying max rate what else could happen? I doubt the court will side with her having him picking up ss EVERY weekend PLUS doing all the transportation. it's not like she doesn't have a car or something.

misSTEP's picture

You'd be surprised. The BM in our situation had a brand new car....which she promptly sold or gave back to the dealership when she got hit with our counter asking for her to do 1/2 of the transportation. She claimed to the judge that she had no way to transport her own children. Worse yet, the judge believed her.

msg1986's picture

Forgive my ignorance but does that mean like if dh is picking kid up he drives and when it's time for ss to go home bm comes to get him? The CS I'm whatever with because there isn't anyway we'll have SS at least 35% of the time and it's been every weekend from when we first started dating and I know it would hurt Dh to not have that I just think it's unfair that we're providing all transportation... esp becuase it's SO far, Bm lives in a completely different city.

BTW, I love you signature lol.

momof3smof2's picture

Would the child support amount change for every weekend, as opposed to every other weekend? I'm my state it wouldn't. Hell, even with 50/50, my DH pays a pretty penny.

As far as the driving, did one of them move? My ex moved away and because of that, he's 100% responsible for all driving. My DH and his ex both live in the same general area, though, so they split it. Or they did before his son got his driver's license.

Maybe you and your dh would be better candidates for split finances.

msg1986's picture

nope, dh is paying the rate as though he sees his son every other weekend and I don't really mind too much that ss is here every weekend. I mean it would be nice to get a break but it's not that big of deal nor is the amount he pays in child support. All I want is for half transportation to be done by her, it's the least she could do imo.

Nope, Bm always lived where she lived... on paper at least. she was living in our city when they went to court but lied to the court and used her mothers address. Dh has basically had to chase her around to pick up his son for visitation. her attitude has always been "if you don't pick him up you can't see him and I won't let you see him in the future."

Yeah, that is true, dh is stuck on sharing though.

momof3smof2's picture

How far apart do they live? Have they always lived that far apart, or did someone move?

msg1986's picture

Bm lives about 25ish miles north of us, im not too sure of the exact mileage. Dh actually used to live about 10 miles south from where we live now and Bm used to live closer but when she filed the child support she used her moms address, so technically Bm moved away but the court doesn't know so it looks like she's always lived that far. Matter of fact she recently moved again but won't report her address.