Dh meets with the lawyer today.
I'm hoping with all the nonsense as of late that dh's finally headed down the direction of getting a parenting plan in place. I talked with Dh last night and he said that in his heart of hearts that he doesn't think he could get custody of Ss because although Bm is a loser who doesn't really take care of Ss-he doesn't really have proof other than the notebook we have. Dh says that it seems like it'll be very expensive and Bm will fight him hard and he is so beat down from the years of drama/conflict/abuse that at this point he just wants his vistation, holidays, transportation, written communication and the medical (who pays co-pays/deductables) figured out so he doesn't have to live in fear that Bm will w/h Ss whenever she feels like it. He said he's even been thinking of going for every other weekend, I told him though that someone here mentioned that hey have the 1, 2 and 3rd weekend of the month the 4th weekend goes to Bm. He said he liked that idea and wants to see the lawyer says. He said he's thinking we don't need a lawyer because in our state you have to go to mediation first but it'll be good to get legal advice and see if what he's asking for is out of the question.
Honestly, I feel bad for him. I mean, I know he's in the bed he's made for himself but my heart still aches for him. He seems pushed to his wits end with all of Bm's bs and wants to deal with her as little as possible. I hate seeing him this way. Yesteday Bm started calling again while he was at work. He says he thinks she was doing it when she knew he was at work to see if it was really him not wanting to talk with her. He said he text her asking what she wanted and she said Ss wanted to talk to him. Dh called and Ss answered and told him Bm said he couldn't visit this weekend because he was going to some event. Dh hung up with Ss and text Bm's phone and asked "so you're withholding visitation this weekend?" She replied "I'm taking him to an event" Dh questioned again "So, you're withholding vistation then?" Bm responded "the answer is in my last text." Dh text again "Okay, so you're withholding vistation." and she responded "no, i told you im taking him to (insert event name), you can pick him up saturday night if you want and bring him home sunday" she's so crazy. I feel like she knows that he's trying to get documentation against her and she's trying to not say anything. She's so immature it's ridiculous, I've never in my life met anyone so vindictive and immature. I feel like she's progressively gotten worse over the years over what appears to be her being threatend by me. I say that because her constant need to try to bring me into their issues by reminding Dh it's none of my business. I almost feel like I want to reach out to her and tell her I am no threat to her and that I would like to get along with her for the sake of Ss-that I could help her, even. I would never ever do that of course because I know it would cause issues but I feel like she's so bitter/mean because she hates me so much. There is no reason though, I'm not here to compete with her or take her place. I'm very logical and I know there isn't anything I've done but I almost feel sometimes like the issues going on are partially my fault simply because I am in my husbands life.
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I know, I know, it's just SO
I know, I know, it's just SO hard though. I am the type of person that has no enemies because I don't like conflict I try my best talk it out with the person and come to some type of resolution, so it's so hard to know that this woman hates me for no reason whatsoever. I guess the logical part of me wants to find out what the issue is and work it out but I know that isn't possible because the issues at hand are due to her being irrational, so it's tough
I'm def going to look up personality disorders etc so I can just, I guess, understand her and just get over it. Thank you though for your words, it helps knowing I'm not alone. This site has saved my sanity. I think God for this site all the time.
She sounds so much like my
She sounds so much like my BM! She comes up with reasons to keep SD from my husband all the time and gives those same stupid, short answers that yours does.
That seems like proof to me that she's witholding visiation. Even though she didn't come out and say, "Yes, I'm witholding visitation", it's clear from her actions that that's what she's doing. Keep those texts to show the lawyer, just in case.
I contacted BM at one point to reassure her that I'm no threat. She brings me up in every email she sends my husband. Once she said something like "Tell your wife that I will always be SD's mother and no one can take her away from me!" There's been a lot of other crazy shit that makes me think she's insecure and feels threatened by the relationship I have/had with SD.
So I emailed her to say what you said: that I want to get along with her for SD's sake and that she needed to stop bringing me into every little thing she mentioned to my husband. She didn't respond to me directly. Instead, she emailed my husband and said, "Tell your wife to stop emailing me. I want nothing to do with a woman who would steal another woman's child."
So my adivce is not to contact BM. If she's stupid and crazy like mine, it'll do nothing.
Yep. Same one. It's double
Yep. Same one. It's double standards all over the place with her. First I'm too involved, now I'm not involved enough.
She recently documented that SD was sad because I didn't go to a movie with her and DH (this was included as evidence in their custody negotiations). But a year earlier she had informed my husband that I will never be part of SD's family and that I should go and have my own family and leave SD alone.
She's crazy.
Haha, nice. My husband was
Haha, nice.
My husband was tempted to tell her off over all this crap she brought into the negotiations that involved me, but it would be pointless. I told him not to.
Make sure he also has in the
Make sure he also has in the parenting plan the timeframe in which to make changes. For example, 30 day notice if cannot commit to summer vacation or 2 weeks notice for holiday visits.
I would also include that DH
I would also include that DH is responsible for pickup of the child at the beginning of his parenting time, and that BM is responsible for pickup of child at the beginning of her time. Our BM used to always have DH pickup, and then not be able to pick stepson up and DH like a fool would take SS back to her, eventually he refused and he spent more overnights with us (as she didn't have a ride and no drivers license). Then when he lined out the new parenting plan (where he got primary custody) he is responsible for pickups so that BM would not refuse to or say she could not bring him home. We def learned to play her manipulations to our benefit though it was trying. And now that we have primary custody and she is responsible for pick up at the beginning of her time.....nothing. She has not seen SS for over 2 months and only talked to him for 5 min on the phone over a month ago.
yep, Dh decided yesterday
yep, Dh decided yesterday that he is going to request that the receving parent pick the child up because the lawyer said difficult custodials like to meet half way and purposely be late just because they can.
That's awesome you guys got custody! How did you guys get it changed? Dh feels like the older and more expensive Ss becomes that she will at some point want to change custody but who knows.