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Are these as bad as it seems or can being closer fix it?

mrs_belle's picture

I just want to have some honest feedback from you all who are more involved with the step-parenting thing. DH wants apply for a work transfer to move country to be closer to his son. There is no guarantee that it will be for more than 3 years. And we have a baby together. But, reading the stories on this site scares me especially in light of actually having some interactions with the existing dynamics. DH definitely sugarcoated a lot of issues and part of me wonders if that is how he truly sees the situation or he is being willfully blind.

For starters, his son's mom has made herself unavailable to meet me every time we drop and pick up his son. They live in an extended family household and the grandmother seems to be the one doing the raising of the kids whilst the parents work. The grandmother also hasn't made herself available to meet us and she was in the house. When DH asked his son to get his grandmother or mother or whoever is home to come out we'd like to speak to them; he said that his mom wasn't home and his grandmother said if we had anything to talk about to text his mom.

The second thing was his mom insisted that we picked up his son every morning and dropped off him off every evening. So no overnight stays were allowed. This apparently has always been the dynamic between DH and her; even when he lived in the US. DH has asked for him to stay the night and it has always been denied. But the grandmother, definitely reports back to his son's mom if we are late by the minute and will get on DH case about respecting the grandmother's time and how her schedule doesn't revolve around whenever he is ready to show up.

The third thing is the outright refusal for his son to have a phone or an iPad of his own. DH has offered to buy one and pay the phone bill for it and she has refused. Apparently he has access to his grandmother's phone and an apple watch when he is away from the household. The grandmother got upset when DH tried to call her to speak to his son after his son's mother gave him, her number. She feels that it should be between the parents and not involve her. I also think she blocked DH. On the other hand, his son's mom work schedule makes it difficult to call at a consistent time when everyone is available.

Another thing is that I feel that his son is very distant with me at least; I don't know how he is when I am not around obviously. I feel like I and DH have to literally push the conversation. I usually ask a question and get a very simple answer that does not garner any real response and he doesn't even ask me about myself. DH then goes in and answer the same question about me. I feel like I am guessing around him. And he isn't interested in the baby either; which I understand at his age. But, there has been times when the baby has really shown interest in him and he could not even pretend to be interested back.

Another thing, is DH behaviour around his son. To be fair I understand DH's perspective, he wants to impress his son and because of how infrequent they get to see each other every time they do it is like a vacation. We eat at the restaurants, play the activities and go places his son likes and chooses. Everything revolves around him to the point that waiting an hour for the baby to finish napping is undoable.

DH is also the only boy and youngest child and he and his father are very close. A part of me feel that DH has idealise his relationship with his father as the one he should have with his son. And I am a little afraid of what DH's reaction would be if it were not to be the case. He definitely has a vision of their relationship now that I do not see myself.

DH's son is so lucky to have DH as his dad and he doesn't even realise it. DH has built his entire career around ensuring that this transfer happens. We could work towards buying a house or land right now if we wanted but DH saved up to ensure that the move was possible. Pre-covid without fail DH would travel at minimum twice a year using up his entire 25 days of holidays to see this kid which isn't cheap. It would honestly break my heart for DH to not see that reciprocated.

I know a lot of you were saying do not move but, I do not think it is possible for DH to budge. He has made no secret that after his 7 years he wanted to move back. And he told his son about the possibility already - I did not know he told his son though. I just do not want my life to be miserable. What are some realistic boundaries and expectations to set up? DH seems to think everything will fall into place once we move. He would also say that he had a great co-parent relationship with his son's mom when he was in the US. But, to me it sounds like she ran hoops around him.


notsurehowtodeal's picture

You know that things are not just going to "fall into place" if DH moves closer to his son. Given what you have experienced, there are going to be issues. You were given some great advice in your last post - was DH able to answer any of the immigration and work questions that were brought up?

If DH wants to move, let him go. You can follow if once everything "falls into place." I don't think you should leave your family and support system. Do you work? Would you be able to work in the US? If not, you would be completely dependent on your DH, which is not always a good idea.

mrs_belle's picture

The visa he will get is the H1B and I will not automatically be able to work but I could apply for eligibility. The H1B or the transfer isn't permanent though but DH wants to use it as a gateway. Once he interviews he will know if he is selected within 6 weeks and up to 6 months afterwards to get the visa.

DH is open to me staying behind initially but for no more than 3 months. In the past I was on board with this plan but I feel so uneasy knowing all that I know now. Before it was what DH said about the dynamic or whatever but unending my whole life for heartache.

Survivingstephell's picture

Once he is here, you can stay there longer than 3 months.  You are an adult and get to make those choices.  Factor in Covid rates here and you might be better off staying put.  Is he looking into a court order for custody issues or does he plan to "work it out with BM"?   Good luck with that one.  I think you should let him come and then take it slow about joining him.  Maybe a short visit to see how things are progressing.   I wouldn't jump for this scenario,  not right away.  

Winterglow's picture

Tell him OK for the three months and then play it by ear...

From what you've written, you know as well as we do that nothing will change with his son, whether or not he's in the same country. I seem to remember that he's going to try and get a CO? How is he going to finance that?

mrs_belle's picture

He really believes that they had a great co-parent relationship before he moved. But, to me it sounds like he did whatever the mom wanted.

He sees going to court as a last resort. He hopes to try to work it out one with BM with BM first outside of court. Trust me I realise how idealistic this sounds. But, he as some money saved up.

Winterglow's picture

If BM has successfully kept their son away from him and manged to block virtually all communication with him, she is highly unlikely to let your bf have a normal relationship with his son. How long is he willing to try before he takes the legal route? Maybe encourage him to contact a lawyer in the US to get an idea of how much a court order could actually cost him. "Some money" may not be enough.

Also, depending on the age of the boy, by the time the whole court order process is completed (and it can take years), he might decide that he doesn't really want to  spend time with his father ...

If I were you, I think I'd consult a lawyer myself to see what your rights are should you decide to remain where you are (think about child support for your child). Consider yourself and your child as a separate unit and do what is best for both of you. 

Take care of you, first and foremost.

Lostandconfusedlady's picture

I don't believe either of you understands the immigration process fully.  It will take many years of consecutively living in the US for him to be able to get a green card from the H1B.  H1Bs are only for highly skilled workers that we have a need for in the US.  If he is unemployed for more than a few months without sponsorship the visa will go away.  There are people in the H1B system that have been deported after being here more than a decade with kids born here.  

I would not recommend moving to the US using this system unless you view it as temporary or really need the money as US workers tend to make more.  Not only is this a risk it seems extremely unlikely to go well for multiple reasons including the fact that your husband has no legal right to even see them.  Your BM will also be able to start receiving child support which is really awful in some states.  Look at the calculator on her state for more information.  

My husband is in a similar situation and at this point he barely sees his daughter.  BM dictates when is a good time to see her and when is a good time to guilt trip him and tell him he needs to give her more money hecause she just got a new car etc.  She has also threatened to lie to USCIS about him in the past.  I'm sure you know they do a background check on him for immigration. 

Please stay in your home country for you and your child.  He needs to move on and leave them in the past or you're all likely to suffer.  Do not sacrifice you happiness for his.  It is not even that simple, do not gamble with your child's life that this will be wonderful and work out.


ndc's picture

Once you and your child have been in the US (I think it was the US) for a time, would your DH be able to prevent you from taking your child and returning to your country if things didn't work out?  I wouldn't leave my support system and family to go with him anyway in your situation, but if there was any possibility of not being able to return with my child at any time I wanted to,  I wouldn't even consider going.  (I'm not saying that would be the case, it's just something I'd make very sure of).

mrs_belle's picture

I have raised concerns about the existing family dynamics. But, he seems to think it is an issue of distance more than it is purposeful. I definitely need to do some research on what legal implications moving could have on my ability to move back home. But, I know that my visa status would be dependent on their being a marriage, the baby would also be on a dependent visa. So, if there is no marriage my visa would end but what would that mean for the baby, I don't know!

DH is unmovable when it comes to moving. There is no changing is mind. He also kind of eluded that if I wasn't onboard with moving while we were still dating it would have been a deal breaker for him. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

This a-hole just does whatever the f he wants, whenever he wants, doesn't he? That's probably why he's going to find himself single, with 2 BMs in 2 different countries. I bet the only person more unhappy than OP about this move is BM1. No telling what he put her through. A deal breaker? What a d!ck. Protect yourself, OP. First and foremost, protect yourself and your baby. 

Lostandconfusedlady's picture

Do not give him that level of control.  You will not be able to get the baby out of the country easily if you divorce.  If you are not traveling together with him they may not allow you without proof that the baby's family father has agreed. 

DO NOT give this man the power to do this.  If he cannot understand your misgivings and really wants this to be with his family this should open your eyes as to who his "real" family is.  He is so focused on the past he isn't willing to even accept reality.

notarelative's picture

 he seems to think it is an issue of distance more than it is purposeful.

DH is deluding himself. BM won't let him take the child overnight when he visits. It's magical thinking to believe this will change when he lives nearby.