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Selfish rant and I dont care....

morethanibargainedfor's picture

I haven't posted in a long time, mostly because I shut myself off from SD15 and BM. There has been so much drama, but I have been ignoring it and so has SO.
I've finally had was the last straw. I am done putting up with BM brainwashing SD.
This kid actually had the nerve to tell SO he was a "bad dad" last week. Today she texts him something along the same lines, tells him not to contact her anymore.
This kid has been brainwashed to the millionth degree. SO does everything he can do be in her life and to be a good dad and BM wont let him. Shes absoslutely nuts. Sending us crazy harassing emails and texts. Neither of us have said a single word to her in over a year but yet we still get emails almost daily that just say "F you" or "Loser" or "You're pathetic." This chick is legit crazy.
Good, don't contact us anymore either. I don't effing care. I will be glad to not have you in our lives. You and your mother make our lives a living hell.
I actually feel bad for the kid. She has some developmental problems and has been brainwashed by BM beyond belief. I told her that she will one day regret putting her dad through this and she told me to never talk to her again. No problem honey!!

The ONLY reason I am upset about all this drama is because my Christmas was just basically single handedly ruined by a 15 year old girl.
Now shes not coming or Christmas. Which means all Christmas day SO will be mopey and no fun! My day ruined! I gotta deal with mr. grumpy all day now.


morethanibargainedfor's picture

Oh sidebar..... BM got engaged and is getting married soon but is still obsessed with harassing us. Does anyone else have a BM that is in another relationship but still refuses to just move on???

momandmore's picture

Yes. BM is supposed to be engaged. DH and I have been married for almost 3 years and BM is still hoping to get back with him. BM didn't call to talk to her kids for about a month but she sure did send a few texts about this. :sick:

ETA: phone time is all BM has with her kids right now

CBCharlotte's picture

Yes! BM2 got engaged Christmas Even last year and made sure to text SO and tell us because "she wanted him to hear it first" WTF? The whole time she was dating her now husband she was harassing him, even talking about working it out (um no b*tch we've been dating for a year go away). She got engaged 1 month after their divorce was finalized, pregnant 2 months after that and married 2 months after that. Even still she will occasionally write about "our family" referring to her, SO, and SS4 and SS3. Yuck

SO, once he got over the confusion, was celebrating. She had moved on to the tenth degree, so now she couldn't say a word about our relationship. Yipee!

sickofitall's picture

Yes. BM married had a kid, divorced, engaged, dumped and engaged again to someone else and has
harrassed us for 18 years! SD has turned her back on is too. Im sorry that she may ruin Christmas. It took my DH until now-3 years later to accept that SD 21 has been brainwashed and he has tried and tried again and now has accepted it. Its definitely a greiving process.

Good luck to you and DH.

Pokeyketchum's picture

It likely would have been worse if she had come. If she is that vocal per text, imagine the horror she could spread in person. Also, if you had not seen her in a year, why did you think she would even come?
Plan something fun, get out of the house on Christmas. Your day is not ruined unless you let it be...

morethanibargainedfor's picture

We have seen her....She usually comes over at least once a week.....It's BM that we haven't talked to in a over a year.

Pokeyketchum's picture

Gotcha, sorry misread.
My 16yoSD isn't coming either. I just try to be supportive of DH in lieu of her being here. So we will just carry on with something else.

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh man girl... you need to look at the glass half full instead of half empty.

I'd MUCH rather look at a mopey DH, than an entitled, manipulative, snot nosed skid on Christmas (or any day for that matter)

WTF...REALLY's picture

SD is not going to be with us for is good. SO needs to just enjoy the drama free day.

hereiam's picture

Does anyone else have a BM that is in another relationship but still refuses to just move on???

Yes, for quite awhile, anyway. And she would get whatever man she was with in on it, also, by telling them all of the horrible things DH did to her (she liked the drama of them "protecting" her). Of course, they eventually found out that she's psycho and that they were the ones in need of protection.

My DH got used to not seeing his daughter on holidays a long time ago.

I feel for ya, my SD was a pretty good kid but when she hit 15, I don't know what happened. BM really got to her and we haven't seen her much since (she's now 23).

morethanibargainedfor's picture

Yes! Bm's BF totally is in on it. She's made him believe that SO is terrible. He emails and texts both of us just as much as she does. They are both nuts.
It makes me feel better to know that there are others out there who don't talk to their kids much. I think SO feels really guilty and like hes failing as a parent by her not being in his life.

hereiam's picture

It takes two to have a relationship.

When my DH has felt guilty, like he failed, I just remind him that he did everything that he could, he's a good dad, but BM did everything she could to undermine that. SD chose to buy into BM's bullshit and she still chooses, as an adult, to lie, try to manipulate him, set him up, and make him feel bad. The more she does it, the less guilty he feels.

They talk on the phone quite a bit, depending on how SD is getting along with BM, but we don't see her often. Fine with me.

Jsmom's picture

SD is not welcome here anymore and DH never talks to her. All good here. DH is really good now, and doesn't say anything. I have vowed never to say her name again.