oh Mon your BM is some kind of special, does this woman have any idea what anime is about? she thinks it's the same as sesame street cause she never watched it herself..
put a firewall on and block anything that contains the word Anime, seriously there's some heavy porn in some of the Anime's..
wish Jasper was here, her skid loved to watch ANime and the porn, there's even a name for it...
Ugh! One of the comments was very concerning too. What can you do with kids and how can things ever improve when parents allow them to watch this stuff at such a young age?
This is why the Skids having tablets freaks me out... It's SO HARD to monitor. And there is so much freaky out there!!! I came in one day to them watching some video where Minnie Mouse bit off Mickey's ear. Like WTF?! I cut that off and told them if they're watching weird stuff like that again the tablets will vanish.
Also why when I heard BM's druggie BF was super into anime it had me freaked a bit... lol among the you know... Druggie thing.
I hate technology most days with them... hard to get them to turn it off, has so many gross or awful things... And SD8 asked me for a cellphone so she could snapchat... I laughed and told her not for years. DH went all "but then she could always communicate with us." My only response was that she shouldn't ever be somewhere where there isn't an adult right now... SHE'S EIGHT YEARS OLD. Besides, maybe I'm grumpy, but a kid (obviously older than either) could easily survive with a basic non-smart phone until they're way older. I don't think you get your kid one and give them all that power just because other parents are doing it. That's stupid.
I have no clue what he thinks an 8 year old, a shy one at that, would need to constantly communicate for... Like seriously, she can't drive, she's not going anywhere without an adult, so who exactly is it she needs to communicate with???
I legitimately hate tablets right now. DH sends the Skids to bed with them every night and SD8 has her own TV in there, in my opinion, if we send them to bed, they should be sleeping, there's a reason they're grumpy in the morning!
And he might be able to find a way around, but if he has to find it you can bet at least he'll know he shouldn't be there!
Not to mention, bed time for me means lay down and basically instantly pass out. lol
I grounded SD4 from her tablet one evening (I do have that power, but it normally ends up being more of a hassle than it's worth) and she legitimately had this full on breakdown and wouldn't calm down. I seriously think they're probably addicted at this point. I JUST DON'T GET IT. Why are we letting kids be THAT dependent on technology? I mean I love technology and all, but it's a luxury, not lifeblood. I don't get why we even want the kids so dependent on technology anyways!
With youtube you can set the level such as adult etc I think and many parents are too lazy to do so or just don't care. The internets filtering system is not very effective though. I remember once googling some pokemon pictures for SS who was 8 then and amongst the pictures that came us was some graphic cartoons of Pokemon with genitals getting jiggy with it and I had it set to safe filtering. I have never clicked away so fast.
MoominMama, yes, there are problems with YouTube Kids content as they use an algorithm to screen content rather than live people. Which makes sense, I think they get something like 400 hours of video uploaded every second. But still. Here's an article which contains links to a NYT article and another essay review.
UGH! YSS was watching anime at age 6!!! And pro wrestling. Chef let him have a TV in his room which I was TOTALLY against.
One night, I noticed the TV was blaring away from his room at 10:30 p.m. and Chef was sawing wood.
I walked right in and said "time for bed" shut the TV off.
The nest morning, YSS "tattled" on me for doing so.
"SHE walked into my room without knocking" (which was ironic because all the skids always walked into our room without knocking.
Glad I set resolved never to be alone with skids because you could easily see them claiming false abuse!!!
At that time, Chef did not come to YSS's defense which pissed him off royally.
A few years later, though, Chef remembered this incident and pulled that old chestnut out saying I was invading his son's privacy and was an eeeeeevvvvvviiiiiiil SM!! LOL!
I don't even know what to say
I don't even know what to say to that.
:? :?
anime.... oh Mon your BM is
oh Mon your BM is some kind of special, does this woman have any idea what anime is about? she thinks it's the same as sesame street cause she never watched it herself..
put a firewall on and block anything that contains the word Anime, seriously there's some heavy porn in some of the Anime's..
wish Jasper was here, her skid loved to watch ANime and the porn, there's even a name for it...
It's hentai.
It's hentai.
Ugh! One of the comments was
Ugh! One of the comments was very concerning too. What can you do with kids and how can things ever improve when parents allow them to watch this stuff at such a young age?
This is why the Skids having
This is why the Skids having tablets freaks me out... It's SO HARD to monitor. And there is so much freaky out there!!! I came in one day to them watching some video where Minnie Mouse bit off Mickey's ear. Like WTF?! I cut that off and told them if they're watching weird stuff like that again the tablets will vanish.
Also why when I heard BM's druggie BF was super into anime it had me freaked a bit... lol among the you know... Druggie thing.
I hate technology most days with them... hard to get them to turn it off, has so many gross or awful things... And SD8 asked me for a cellphone so she could snapchat... I laughed and told her not for years. DH went all "but then she could always communicate with us." My only response was that she shouldn't ever be somewhere where there isn't an adult right now... SHE'S EIGHT YEARS OLD. Besides, maybe I'm grumpy, but a kid (obviously older than either) could easily survive with a basic non-smart phone until they're way older. I don't think you get your kid one and give them all that power just because other parents are doing it. That's stupid.
I have no clue what he thinks
I have no clue what he thinks an 8 year old, a shy one at that, would need to constantly communicate for... Like seriously, she can't drive, she's not going anywhere without an adult, so who exactly is it she needs to communicate with???
I legitimately hate tablets right now. DH sends the Skids to bed with them every night and SD8 has her own TV in there, in my opinion, if we send them to bed, they should be sleeping, there's a reason they're grumpy in the morning!
And he might be able to find a way around, but if he has to find it you can bet at least he'll know he shouldn't be there!
Not to mention, bed time for
Not to mention, bed time for me means lay down and basically instantly pass out. lol
I grounded SD4 from her tablet one evening (I do have that power, but it normally ends up being more of a hassle than it's worth) and she legitimately had this full on breakdown and wouldn't calm down. I seriously think they're probably addicted at this point. I JUST DON'T GET IT. Why are we letting kids be THAT dependent on technology? I mean I love technology and all, but it's a luxury, not lifeblood. I don't get why we even want the kids so dependent on technology anyways!
That is one messed up video.
That is one messed up video. I wouldn't let SS15 watch it, let alone a 9 year old. What is that sick twisted stuff?!
Some people should just never, ever, EVER be parents. EVER.
With youtube you can set the
With youtube you can set the level such as adult etc I think and many parents are too lazy to do so or just don't care. The internets filtering system is not very effective though. I remember once googling some pokemon pictures for SS who was 8 then and amongst the pictures that came us was some graphic cartoons of Pokemon with genitals getting jiggy with it and I had it set to safe filtering. I have never clicked away so fast.
MoominMama, yes, there are
MoominMama, yes, there are problems with YouTube Kids content as they use an algorithm to screen content rather than live people. Which makes sense, I think they get something like 400 hours of video uploaded every second. But still. Here's an article which contains links to a NYT article and another essay review.
UGH! YSS was watching anime
UGH! YSS was watching anime at age 6!!! And pro wrestling. Chef let him have a TV in his room which I was TOTALLY against.
One night, I noticed the TV was blaring away from his room at 10:30 p.m. and Chef was sawing wood.
I walked right in and said "time for bed" shut the TV off.
The nest morning, YSS "tattled" on me for doing so.
"SHE walked into my room without knocking" (which was ironic because all the skids always walked into our room without knocking.
Glad I set resolved never to be alone with skids because you could easily see them claiming false abuse!!!
At that time, Chef did not come to YSS's defense which pissed him off royally.
A few years later, though, Chef remembered this incident and pulled that old chestnut out saying I was invading his son's privacy and was an eeeeeevvvvvviiiiiiil SM!! LOL!