I need serious help.
I feel like I'm sinking.
I feel like I'm in a tug of war and I'm fighting and fighting but there's no end in sight.
My step son voiced around 6 months ago that he wanted to live with me, his dad, and my 3 children. He's 12, and very very intelligent for his age. Prior to him telling us this, he came to me crying one day saying moms boyfriend yelled at him and cussed at him almost nose to nose because he was being disrespectful and mumbled something under his breath. Not to long after this, my step daughter who was 8 at the time was playing Barbies with my 9 year old when she starts making her babies have sex, she proceeds in moaning, and telling my daughter that "the boy has to wear a condom so the girls doesn't get pregnant". My daughter is sort of traumatized, tells me and we (her dad and I) talk to his daughter in regards to this. She tells us explicitly how a man puts on a condom and that "mommy told me". She tells us that boyfriend hit her in the head with a baseball because she didn't move. (He/bf admitted to this). Mom and bf let 8 year old wear clothing that only cover her breasts and shorts so short you can see her butt, red lipstick, black eyeshadow. (In cringing just thinking back on this time.) His children tell us that mom and boyfriend turn on music and when the music is on they are having sex so that means to not disturb until the music is over. That mom only fixes dinner and sometimes it's whatever's left over from what she fixed bf that he didn't finish or they'd fix themselves cereal. there's more, but I'm trying to condense it. Mom wants her boyfriend, Dad, and me present for a chat. She immediately is telling me it's not my place for her children to come to me with anything. Her bf tells dad that if he thinks men could sexualize the 8 year based on what they allow her to wear then maybe he should seek help. Mind you mom has been living with bf for only 3/4 months at this point.
Mom finds out that the 12 year old boy wants to live with us, is very well behaved at our home, and is just overall a good sweet kid and flips. Then both children start behaving awful at our home. Says we've been mean to mom and boyfriend. And they all of a sudden, don't like me nor my children (ages girl-9, boys-6&4) because "my mom doesn't like y'all". Their 12 year old son has now told us that if he feels "disrespected by any of my children, whether that's a look, a tone, anything that he will try to "scare" them and if that doesn't work he will hit them until they are unconscious and then maybe kick them a few times while they are down. Dad and I ask him why, tell him other things he can do if he's feeling angry and the result for him and for them if he were to do that. He tells us he doesn't care. Dad asks him if I intervened what he would do. He says "me and mom will lie and say she hit me so she'll go to jail and lose the kids." Dad proceeds with, that wouldn't make you feel bad? And would your mom really do that? He says, "yes she would, and I wouldn't feel bad about it until later that day but at that point there's nothing I could do."
wow right. Yeah.
Dad talks to mom about getting him help. She says no. And eventually maybe but he will pay full cost for whatever help she decides is the best fit regardless if it's an out of network provider and regardless of how many.. but like I said.. she said "maybe eventually".
i'm so frustrated. So so frustrated. I used to have a phenomenal relationship with both of my step children, and now the oldest wants to do physical harm to my children.
i need help because I'm truly unsure of what to do.
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BM doesn’t want to lose CS
How will She and BF live They may have to get a JOB.
He has one, she doesn't. So
He has one, she doesn't. So she lives in child support.
DH has been really supportive
DH has been really supportive. He's saying that on Wednesday's when he has them from 6-9 he will take them out to dinner and back to their moms. And every other weekend, when it's his time he will only get their daughter. My biggest fear is.. are we going to live our whole lives without his son strictly because of his mom? It makes me sad of the adult he will one day be if he doesn't get the help he desperately needs.
I would involve CPS. They
I would involve CPS. They need to look into the SKs witnessing DV and also potentially sexual assault.
I've thought about this. Husband and his family are saying no, so I'm trying to be respectful
I've been thinking about that
I've been thinking about that..
I honestly didn't want to add fuel to the fire. Mom really twists the kids to fit her narrative and it's hard from them to see their mom for who she really is; it makes me fearful and really sad, and sort of angry as well.
nanny cams
Some kind of hidden recording device. Get the CPS involved. Document everything.
So sorry this is happening
you sound like a caring and kind person. Your number one priority is to your kids- period. Whatever it takes to shield them from this disturbing situation- that’s what you have to do. Something is very wrong with the boy. Your husband needs to try to help him. However, you can’t risk your kids safety and sanity. Sad.
Thank you for your kind words.
It's really sad. Makes me feel like I'm in a really tough spot.
I feel for your situation. I
I feel for your situation. I dealt with the same exact thing. Everything was fine until OSD said she wanted to live full time with SO and I. We discouraged the idea but she must have said something to her mother because after that the downward spiral began.
The reality is CPS will not do anything especially regarding emotional abuse. Your SO has the right to take the kids for counseling without BMs permission. If she fought it in court she would lose. Courts strongly encourage counseling in seperated families.
If I had everything to do all over again, I would have disengaged right away.if your end goal is to protect the children from emotional harm. The game is to convince BM you have no interest in her kids, you don't want them around and your life is better without them. Once BM doesn't see you as a threat the PAS will stop.
It sounds like in your situation BMs motivation is the child support and ensuring she keeps it. Parents who do this don't truly love Thier children they are pawns. In my situation it's a matter of BM doesn't want to actually parent her kids, but she doesn't want anyone else to either. Her kids are her possessions and can love her and only her. Even though she does not give that to them in return.
OSD is a lost cause because of BMs alienation OSD truly believes she hates her father and I. OSD also has mental health issues so is easily swayed to begin with. She is so damaged at this point without years of counseling she doesn't stand much of a chance.
But BM does not do that with YSD because as far as she is concerned it's a punishment to for her to be here with us. YSD is a lot smarter than OSD and plays the game with BM herself. She tells BM she hates it at our house and plays up that we are mean to her she hates us and so on. So BM truly believes that sending her here will make her appreciate BM so much more. When in reality YSD would much rather be here, but has so much anxiety due to BM putting conditions on her love.
YSD doesn't ever talk to SO about these things. She comes to me because she knows I understand and will play along with her. She knows SO would confront BM causing more problems for her. Because BM would do everything she could to convince SO YSD is a liar and then when YSD went back to BMs she would be punished for telling.