Finally a time to vent
I've been reading your blogs for a few months now. Very comforting to know I'm not alone. I have a wonderful SO. We've been together for 4 yrs and living together for 2. He has 2 kids girl 18 and boy 15. Unfortunately still not divorced but in process. BM is an entitled selfish bitch.
Sd moved in with us 2yrs ago because BM's smoke screen was fading sd was finally able to see her BM for the crazy nut that she is. SS is starting to see it but won't admit it because that would hurt BM's feelings. So he is supposed to do the one week with each parent but over time for past 2 yrs it's turned into one excuse after another to end up staying with us. Yet BM still expects same CS.
The kids could be way worse than they are but there are moments when I want to run screaming away. Their BM isn't the best cook or house cleaner and the bad habits have formed in the kids. I've broken them down quite a bit but let's face it, there's only so much I can do. SO, thank heavens, is a clean, neat man and stands by me when I make them do things around the house. Mostly picking up after themselves especially in my kitchen. But, on some matters, SO kind of retreats and doesn't say much, like bathing/ brushing habits.
This week was sd college orientation about 3 hrs away. SS should have gone back to BM but decided he could use a road trip, (eating out) and tagged along. He is an extremely picky eater, only fried junk or Mac n cheese, so it's always a pain in the ass. (Oh! And he has the symptoms of entitlement beginning, just like BM) When he goes home to BM she spends little time with him and claims to not have any money for food. So he loves being with us because we always have a stocked pantry and I actually cook crap that he'll eat.
Well, my buttons were pushed yesterday when I got home from work. SS still in pj's stuffing his face with popcorn. I casually said "oh, you're still here? Thought you were going home." He says "well mom says she doesn't have any plans for the 4th so I should just stay here"
REALLY?? A mother hasn't seen her kid for a week and a half and just blows him off? This happens all the damn time so you'd think I'd be use to it but I'm not! I need a break from SS and his picky eating and bad hygiene! I guess my real problem with it is, why does the mom get to call the shots? Why does she get to have her freedom to do whatever she wants but then complain when her kids don't call or come see her?? WTF??
There is sooo much to this story, and believe it or not... I am happy with everything about my SO, except the baggage that I've seemed to sign up for.
- mommaneedstovent's blog
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Yes! There should be
Yes! There should be boundaries! For some damn reason SO won't hold her accountable. I think it's because ss15 gets all but hurt about everything and SO doesn't want to make him feel bad. I get it to a point but damn, there has to be limits! Grrr!!
"DH dear, ss15 just said the
"DH dear, ss15 just said the oddest thing. He seems to think BM can unilaterally alter the kids schedule. I suggest you let him know that BM can make a request of you, dh, which you will then discuss with me and our decision will later be relayed back to BM. Hahaha! Isn't it funny that ss15 thought BM can just decide all on her own?!"
One week and a half?! @
One week and a half?! @ "REALLY?? A mother hasn't seen her kid for a week and a half and just blows him off?" Our BM hasn't seen her 12 year old kid since 2012! How in the world can a mother let go like that? I wonder that every single day.
I know! How do these crazy
I know! How do these crazy BM's just go on with their lives like nothing matters?? And I see in the big scope of things, this mess could be so much worse and for that I'm grateful. I'm just really trying to pull myself together.![Dirol](