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yet another question

momgoingnuts's picture

ok in my previous blog i explained how in the court order it says dh can call the skids 1x daily "for a reasonable amount of time"
well since bm's moved the kids outta state we've talked to them ALMOST every day but she will tell skids to get off the phone or make it short or hurry up you've got sh*t to do after being on the phone with us for like 5 min (our conversations have been between 2 1/2 - 7 minutes each ya i timed each one) each time.they say they will call back later but never do and sd-11 has told us if she uses the phone too much she gets in trouble.
What do all you think is a reasonable amount of time because obviously it should be longer than she allows.


melis070179's picture

I would say 10-15 minutes. Consider yourself lucky, DH talks to SS once a week for 5 minutes!

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

momgoingnuts's picture

well i just cant see how when the judge said every day for e reasonable amount of time he wouldve meant hey talk to your kids every day for 5 minutes if that the judge even said this will be your only contact with the kids since your parenting time is so far apart so he wanted to make sure this happened. gggrrrrrr damn bm's