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another question about bio daughter

momgoingnuts's picture

what is everyones thoughts on this one.... what is a good age to tell my bio daughter (she's 4) that DH isn't her bio dad??? he's the only dad she knows but is it a good time to explain it to her or should i wait or do u think if i wait it'll be a more tramatic thing for her when she's older
or is she too young to even try to do it now???
she hasnt seen or heard from bio dad since she was 2 and never talks about him or shows that she remembers anything about him


Abigail's picture

We had this situation in our family. My sisters child. Don't make a big deal about it. Just be honest. If she calls DH her Dad, I'd just wait until you have a rememberance of when you met him or something and say "That's when I met your Dad when you were just two and he loved you right away."

You and your family should be open and natural about when you met her Dad and drop a few references every couple of months about it. One day she'll put two and two together and figure it out and ask you about her "real or bio dad" giving you the opportunity to explain the situation. She'll have always known that her Dad came into her life later and when she's ready, she'll ask you so there will be no trauma when you tell her about her BD.

She may want to meet him and if it's safe, I would give her a supervised opportunity. That's how our family handled it and it worked out fine. Mom tried to set up a meeting and it turned out BD had a wrap sheet and fake names and ended up canceling after explaining to daughter why. She's 28 now and doesn't seem interested any more because she never brings it up.

"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"