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let's cry over treats

mndblwn's picture

BM was completed pissed about us not taking her treats to school. ss was very please with saving his treats and taking them in for valentine's day. BM has called the teacher crying and has set up a conference with the teacher and principal.

Our stand is that it's not fair for one child to have two birthday parties at school or take treats twice two weeks about for his birthday. that is teaching morals and right from wrong.

BM needs to get a grip and if she wanted to make treats she should have made them the weekend before his birthday or on his day which was hers to begin with. she lost out.


Anon2009's picture

I think we as SMs have to pick and choose our battles. I think picking this one could come back to bite you in the future. If she had made the cupcakes the week before, he also would have had two birthday celebrations at school. Who does SS live with, or is it 50/50?

mndblwn's picture

He lives with us and visits her. If she would have made the treats I would not have made treats for him. I only did it because she didn't come.

thefunmommy's picture

Yes, but SS's mom sent them a week AFTER SM had already made treats for his class to celebrate his birthday. It's not really fair to the other kids in the class for her SS to have two days to celebrate his birthday when they only get one. I believe her previous blog said he was upset when he couldn't take them to school for his birthday, but was happy once she explained he could take them later for Valentine's Day. They're not being kept forever, just reserved for another upcoming celebration.
I have to wonder if BM would've made them at all if SM hadn't done it first. I very much doubt BM would've made any for Valentine's day (ours definitely wouldn't), so that probably would've fallen to SM anyway. They're just being switched, more or less.

mndblwn's picture

Thank you for that recent post. That is EXACTLY what is going on. I could care less if BM sent treats in the first place because then I wouldn't of had to make anything and take it in. I don't want to steal her thunder but she needs to be proper and in a timely manner. If I wanted to be petty about this I would have just thrown the treats away and said tough shit. DH highly agrees and the only reason she has contacted the school is because DH is a teacher there and she thinks it will get him in trouble.

SS should have also told his mother treats were already taken. Yes that is a kid thing but it's not right.

mndblwn's picture

BM lives 4 hours away and works fulltime. She uses DH as her slave and delivery man. She has friends that live where we do that could have went and bought treats on the day of his birthday and dropped them off. This woman promised a birthday party the weekend right before his birthday and then ended up working and taking him there. No birthday party until 2 weeks later either. We give BM the opportunity to be a good mother but I think she hangs herself and does things improper because she doesn't get it.