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Dealing with Pure Evil

mndblwn's picture

ss6 has a heart condition in which he must see the cardiologist twice a year. DH has taken him every visit while BM has missed out on the last 3 yrs. This time since BM is back in the picture she is taking child to doctors visit. DH and I will be meeting her and her bf only (not fiance like she claims) there also so that DH can hear the prognosis. DH told BM that parents only should be with the child for visits. I already decided to stay in waiting room because rooms are too small for 4 people, child, doctor and intern. Also the last three times the child has been to the hospital she has made a big issue with me around. BM didn't like that her bf couldn't go and told DH that he doesn't have the right to tell her what she can and can't do. This comes from a woman who has told DH to remove a cat from the house, I have to leave the house at 8pm, I'm not allowed to spend nights and that I can't be around for medical issues.
The emails and texts we get from her wrap around and form so many lies I don't think so can keep them straight anymore and she lies so much that she starts to believe the lies. She says that I'm inappropriate at hospitals and we need to behave proper in front of the child. She is the only person to make a big ordeal about me being around.
She tries to act like a good mommy now to people she knows because she lies to them about how we live our lives. Still no insurance for child, won't pay us her half of bills, doesn't pay her bills, uses her bf for his money, doesn't buy clothes for child.....the list goes on and on.
How can I put a stop to this bologna without rolling over and letting her do us dry?? I know everything can't be kosher with her but does every little thing when she doesn't get her way have to be a battle?