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To be Evil or Not to be Evil? Help me out

mndblwn's picture

BM insists upon only going the minimum to drop skid off even if it's in the dark and the snow on the side of the road. So do we when we have skid make her come into our town or still meet her an hour outside of town? She plays games where its an inconvience for us not looking at the bigger picture.

So if she gets the kid from us do we stay being nice and meet her at the minimum or make her drive into town so it's easier on us? I don't want to be a puppet and if she plays these games then why can't we? at least we know the skid is safe and not being dropped off on the side of the road.


branmuffin97's picture

Do you not have a court order of visitation? Ours is very clear down to exchange. However, instead of ex driving all the way to me..then me driving all the way to him...we always meet in the middle. It shortens the trip for both of us.

purpledaisies's picture

I suggest that you go by the co period! Or if you can agree to meet half way both times then do that but other then that I wouldn;t do anything more for the bm!

Shaman29's picture

It's not about being nice to the BM, it's about saving your sanity. And it's about how all of this is making the skids feel.

In our case, DH has a CO in place that specifically states Uberskank is to bring the kid to our home on Friday evenings, we take the kid home on Sunday evening. Uberskank lives close to 1.5 hours away from us.

However, she has dropped the kid off maybe 5 times in the last three years (apparently there's an invisible barrier that keeps her car from crossing over the county lines into our city). She makes the kid take a two hour bus ride to a city 45 minutes away from our home. Uberskank could give a flying f**k what the CO says she's supposed to do for her child.

We drive 1.5 hour round trip on E/O Friday and have a 3 hour round trip drive to take her home on Sunday. Trust me, it's tempting to shove the kid's butt on a bus instead of driving all the way back to the harpy's evil den.

I guess what I'm trying to say is drive the skids all the way back. When you're on your death-bed, will you even be thinking about how the BM didn't follow the CO? While I agree she should be following it, there are just some battles that aren't worth the trouble to fight.

Two and half years until DH's kid graduates from HS. That's about 66 more trips back to Harpyville where Uberskank lives.