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Great News and Bad News! Need to calm down

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So to start off with the good news...Im pregnant with my first child. It will be the second for DH. I'm so happy that this is happening for me and him.

Bad news is that BM gets my blood boiling over the skid. BM claims that DH does so much to harm skid by supposedly drinking too much around him or supposedly overdosing with skid in the house (all of which are not true) but she will pull over on the side of the road on a highway in the dark while it is snowing like a blizzard outside to exchange skid. She won't driving in a rain storm and makes us go extra because it's unsafe but yet she does this kind of stuff. She hits and kills a man in town and yet has no concern for her own childs safety.

Skid gets a black eye while he is with her and she has the nerve to tell us how and when to ice the eye for swelling?!?! I'm so confused.

I have to stay away from as much stress as possible and my husband lets things go to avoid conflicts with her and i'm so the opposite. I don't want my husbands safety in jeopardy because of her stubborness and idiotness. He is torn because I say let her stay there until she figures out we arent going that far for alls safety. He wants his kid and I want to prove a point.

Our judge even knows that in the winter its dangerous like that but it's all about her and no one else.

What do I do and how do I controls this anger while I'm pregnant?