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A BRACING blog entry

MJL2010's picture

I remember a time on here when I pretended that things were going to be different in the future with BM. It seemed like a relatively lucid balance had been reached and we were able to communicate. Of course that was over in like a week. Ever since, the woman has continued her wild zigzag of behavior and I am without hope that it will ever change! So here's the nutshell:

*She has decided that the twins need braces. We are seeking a consultation from an orthodontist, to make sure that braces are NECESSARY and not just cosmetic (read: both can chew and speak perfectly, and there are no noticeable "bad" parts to their teeth- all seem in line, etc......nothing that would prevent them from, say, making friends or making a team or getting into college. Shallow society, I know- that is why I'm including that detail. Their teeth LOOK fine and they work as they're supposed to work.

BM has of course declared that their braces will cost $6000 EACH and that DH MUST pay his share. He is "not allowed" to "hold this up" because "twins want to be done with braces by the time they start high school and they want us to be able to pay the braces off". So she actually expects DH NOT to get a second opinion about this. And of course at that price, she is talking Invisalign or some other upper-level braces, not just plain braces that are good enough for most of the kids I see in this smile-happy society. Historically she has made some VERY poor financial decisions and I believe that she can't distinguish between "needs" and "wants". She is trying her best to turn her children into entitled, spoiled little princes- then she gets mad when they act like entitled, spoiled little princes.

*She is trying to get the twins to say that they want to stay with her during the school weeks and see DH on weekends- in other words change the custodial agreement, for no valid reason- and has threatened them that if they do not say they want to stay with her, she will not allow them to continue in the district they've gone to school in since kindergarten. PS: she works out of state for three days each week.

*After she stopped using a court-appointed email several years ago, created three other accounts and jumps wildly back and forth between them, playing games along the way like "I don't receive emails at that address", "Don't ever send CUSTODY emails to THAT address" and the ever-popular "Emails you send from THAT account are blocked by my account" (and btw it is easier to get blood from a stone than to block gmail accounts), and everyone's favorite game, "I will no longer communicate with you over email. TEXT ONLY" to be followed in a week or two by "No more texting- you're blocked"......DH has requested that she sign up for This will keep their custodial details concise and organized. Of course she has refused to answer the invitation sent from the site or set up her own account. Not enough games to play!

*Annoying little detail: DH requests that twins' soccer (which she pays not one dime for) kits and bags go to school with them on days that he picks up from school, so that he doesn't need to drive 5 miles to her house in her town to pick them up...necessitating that he wait in the car while they get their bags and raid her house of the massive amounts of junk food that she stocks. She tells them, and DH, that they can't possibly carry two bags to school and keep them in their lockers until dismissal. (THEY ARE 12.)

Anyone have any advice on BRACES or TALKINGPARENTS? And thank you for reading my ramblings!


Ninji's picture

Was that with insurance?

I paid 8K for mine (Not counting the 2K for teeth extraction). Maybe because I was in my 30's and my teeth were really really bad?

SM12's picture

I recently went for a consult for braces myself and the cost was a little over $5000.00. Invisalign would have cost more. My Dentist and my Orthodontist both feel that the Invisalign are a waste of time and money. Especially for kids. They lose them, don't wear them....on and on.

Do either of you have dental insurance on the kids? That would cover up to 1/2 most likely.

ksmom14's picture

Get a consult and quote at a few different places.

SS15 and SD13 are both in braces, and with insurance contract price with the ortho we go to they cost the same, around $3500. They set up a 24 month payment plan with an initial down payment of about $500. With our ortho and insurance regular braces and invisilign would be the same cost, although they said only SD13 was eligible for the invisilgin because her changes aren't as drastic.

thinkthrice's picture

"We live in an area where almost every kid gets braces. It's almost like a rich kid rite of passage or something."

Yep and I got slammed by the GUBM Bully Brigade for suggesting that slapping eight year old skids who don't even flush the toilet in braces (without consulting Chef of course) and us ending up paying 200% of the total until I caught the Girhippo in a lie of omission about the bill "middle class status braces."

MJL2010's picture

This is all too much to process. Thinkthrice, I grew up in Wayne County where like three people had braces. And now it is a rich kid thing. I am so confident that I should be living on the side of a mountain. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you caught Girhippo in that lie!! Wow.
DH is absolutely getting a second opinion. He still has 50/50 but she is acting all ominous, the cow, and like "...when the judge grants me weekday custody..." for no good reason. Vile beast.

Ok gotta take this one step at a time. Their CO specifies that they pay 60/40 for medical stuff- SHE pays the 60% because her salary is easily twice or three times DH's. We are getting by but it's funny that she thinks there's so much more. He hopes that the court will order a disclosure of wages. But because we are clear and rational on needs vs wants, we make it work while she has made irrevocable financial mistakes.

Enough, vile beast!!!

Thank you for all your responses!!!

MJL2010's picture

This is all too much to process. Thinkthrice, I grew up in Wayne County where like three people had braces. And now it is a rich kid thing. I am so confident that I should be living on the side of a mountain. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you caught Girhippo in that lie!! Wow.
DH is absolutely getting a second opinion. He still has 50/50 but she is acting all ominous, the cow, and like "...when the judge grants me weekday custody..." for no good reason. Vile beast.

Ok gotta take this one step at a time. Their CO specifies that they pay 60/40 for medical stuff- SHE pays the 60% because her salary is easily twice or three times DH's. We are getting by but it's funny that she thinks there's so much more. He hopes that the court will order a disclosure of wages. But because we are clear and rational on needs vs wants, we make it work while she has made irrevocable financial mistakes.

Enough, vile beast!!!

Thank you for all your responses!!!