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Snoopy SS

MissTAKEN's picture

OK. So, let me say first and foremost, I LOVE MY SS. He is 6, he is a GOOD boy and I adore him.

Lately he has been evesdropping. Every time I am on the phone, or in another room with no kids talking to another adult, I walk around the corner and THERE HE IS, quiet as a mouse, listening to me talk.

A couple months back I was talking to my babysitter. She asked if SS was going to be there the next day (it was BM's day, but she had been having me pick him up from school and take him to my sitter while she was working. Normally she would findh er own sitter. But for some reason, she wanted our sitter to watch him on her days too, NBD). Well, she thought I was mad at her because DH called her out on some stupid stuff she was doing. I was not mad, but disappointed. So when sitter asked, we were in her kitchen ALONE. I replied "probably not, she thinks I am mad at her so I am sure she found someone else to watch him, but I will find out". A few weeks later she thought she was "calling me out" on talking bad about her in front of SS. And Told me that SS told her what I said to babysitter VERBATUM. He was listening to me talk, and reporting it back to her. WTF? First of all, I didn't say anything bad. I said "She thinks I am mad at her". Whats wrong with that? NOTHING. And second, WTF was he doing evesdropping on MY conversation.

I know he doesnt mean to do it to hurt me. He likely just doing what his mom told him to. But when I walked around the corner this morning and caught him listening to me and the babysitter talk (about her husband) I wanted to back hand him in to next week.

I asked DH to talk to him tonight. We will see if he does. URG.


Hmmm's picture

You know the old saying "Little pitchers have big ears." If he's a smart 6 year old, he's learning and figuring stuff out at a phenomenal rate. He might be listening because it's just interesting to hear people talk about other people he knows--same reason older people look at FB. He might also be scared or at least concerned that something bad is going to happen--you might want to say to him something like he can always ask you about anything that's concerning him. You might also start showing him what's going to happen, like a calendar that shows him where he'll be and when, or talk to him in the evening or morning about what's going to happen that day.

MissTAKEN's picture

Hmmmm- I would never ever think that he was telling BM everything had she not repeated what I said to the sitter VERBATUM. And she drills him when he gets home. i.e.- DH and I discussed giving our snake away. We didn't talk about it in front of the kids because we hadn't decided yet. I dropped SS off at his mom's and not 5 minutes later she called me and asked me if we were gonna get rid of the snake, can we please give it to her? WTF? Really. You drill him from the SECOND he walks in the house.

DH and I are going to talk to him tonight about adult conversations and such. He knows the schedule. He knows which day he is going to be at each house. He is actually going to be 7 in a month, and we have been on the same schedule for 5 years. He knows. AND, I would be ok with him trying to listen and learn about other people... IF he wasn't trying to hide it. He literally HIDES around the corner and listens. THAT is what gets me right there. HE KNOWS he shouldn't be listening. Otherwise, he wouldn't be hiding.

MissTAKEN's picture

It's ok. I feel like I am a pretty level headed person. I really do love this little boy. I was just telling a friend of mine last night that I have disciplined him (other than a calling down "knock that off") exactly ONCE in his life. I sent him to his room for hitting his sister with a sword 3 years ago. He is just a GOOD kid. All of the kids know the schedule, and are comfortable with it. I know he is curious about things and people. He asks a MILLION questions. It is the sneakiness that I am concerned about. I hate to see all of the hard work we have all put in to him being such a good boy go down the pooper because his mom is obsessed with what goes on at our house. That would be such a shame.

SmomKAy's picture

My stepson got into that phase also, we just started making up a bunch of crazy things When we knew he was eavesdropping...Honey lets go to Disneyland as soon as we drop SS off with BM ok?
Dh that worm spaghetti was better then I thought, I am glad SS didn't even notice the worms and he ate them all.

Pretty soon SS learned somethings were better if he didn't know the truth and that finding out the truth was too much work for him. We did have a talk with him about gossiping and spreading information that wasn't for him to spread. We started grounding him for a day or so because we "heard stuff" from someone (no one we just named a neighbor or relative) to show him gossip hurts.

As for the BM quizzing him, right before he leaves talk about the fun things that you did and drop hints like tell you mom about the bug you found or the park we went to. A lot of times I think the kids get the deer in the headlights reaction because they don't know how BM is gonna act with the information so the say the things they think BM wants to hear to please her. Which always ends up being the bad stuff lol