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Decision made...

MissElphaba's picture

I've made all my dr appointments and scheduled another ultrasound so I can see my new addition...and also swiftly discuss more permanent birth control options. I made this choice on my own because I feel that if things continue down a bad path with my SO, that's where I will be. I don't want this to be another regret. I had mixed responses on my last post, but I feel that this is the right thing for us.


MissElphaba's picture

I'm sorry to hear that - I couldn't imagine it. I hope you're able to find peace.

I knew that if I went with the alternative, I wouldn't be able to look in a mirror ever again.

This will be SO and my second child together. Things are rocky and there is a lot of stress in our relationship - but I can't imagine giving up the joy I feel with our DS, with the support of my family..I'm going to go forward with the pregnancy and keep my child. It reads back to me strangely, because I've come to wonder how I could've thought anything else would do.

HungryEyes's picture

I have Mirena and I also LOVE it. I, too, could not imagine loving the next baby as much as I did my first but I did. It's amazing how your heart just grows and you won't be able to imagine life any other way.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

Mirena has worked good for me. I'm 40 and have 2 years left. I asked my Dr if I should get more permanant.. he said nah, in 2 years just get another one and by that time my time to worry about that will be over.