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How come I should be happy?

Missaprilb's picture

So my boyfriend has his boys tonight. Mine are with their grandparents. He is a good dad. But his kids are brats!! They don't have to follow the same rules when they are with their dad and my boys aren't home as they do otherwise. They starve for his attention and I understand that. I can only imagine my boyfriend having a difficult role. But I don't think he is doing his kids any favors by letting them "sometimes" do things to "catch up" when I feel it would be better if he would be more consistent so they wouldn't be so confused.

He talks to his kids via text every day. But they have a mom as well. If things aren't going well, they call/text more. But they are allowed to say whether they want to come to dads or not. And their bio mom questions "their rights" which gives them more ammunition to behave the way they do.

This is just on the surface and I'm new to the page. So I'm very open minded to opinions and the goal I have in mind is to not feel like its a fake or a front when my boyfriends kids are here.

So, how come I should be happy??? Well I am happy because he gets to spend time with them! I just hate how forced it has to be and how many special things we have to do to make them feel welcome. I hate that they have the power to say they don't want to come or want to come to our home. It's truly annoying!!!


Missaprilb's picture

They are 13 and 9, both boys. And his daughter is 17 and she's a whole bother story! I just don't see how he's teaching them good lessons for life when they don't have to do anything they don't want to do.