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baseball practice

Mich811's picture

DH agreed that he'd be "assistant" coach instead of "head" coach for SS7's baseball team this spring.

For the last two seasons, he was "head" coach, and this meant that our weekends without the kids remained subject to SS's baseball schedule. It wouldn't be a big deal, BUT DH and I leave the city on weekends. During baseball, if DH is head coach we get trapped by the baseball schedule -- our weekend place is too far away to commute, so we have to stay in the city until baseball practice is over.

DH sent me an email that basically said baseball is going to put a wrench in our plans this weekend because practice is at 3 on Saturday. I asked for the whole schedule, he forwarded a link. And, right at the top: DH's name. Head coach.

A big fight is coming. I guarantee that DH is going to pretend that (i) we didn't agree that he'd be assistant (although that will be a tough one, because he already told SS that he was just assistant this year) or (ii) some kind of "error" was made.


TheWife's picture

I feel you on this. My husband is head coach of the basketball team in our area, and I am the head coach of the Poms (dance) team. Even though we both are head coaches, it DOES wreak havoc on our weekend plans for months at a time. I understand the suckiness of it all.


"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

Smonster's picture

Yes, I have been through the same thing, it sucks big time. My BD's are grown - I am through with that stuff, thank goodness. Sorry, no advice - because if he is anything like my DH, it doesn't matter what I have to say when it comes to the skids. I know they come before me, it's just a fact.

Mich811's picture

In my case, I don't mind the practice so much -- I get that it is a good thing for DH and SS. I mind that he lies about his commitment, and then sneaks around.

He picked the "error" tact, but informed me that he intends to attend every game so it doesn't matter if he is head coach or not. Whatever. So frustrating to feel like I have to keep my mouth shut. If it were my own child, I'd encourage DH to drop the head coach role openly so that we (as in, the entire family) have more weekend flexibility. Tip-toeing around everything is such a pain.