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What to do....What to do!!

Medical Mom's picture

Currently, my fiance and I are dealing with his ex-wife and the mess that she is making reguarding the children. They are 9 and 10. When they see us on every other weekend, they talk about mom and her boyfriend and life with them. For example: Leaving them home alone, making them make their own meals, mom and boyfriend smoking in the house, living with animals that urinate and deficate on carpet that is left there for days, burning garbage in the fireplace, letting kittens, rabbits and dogs die ie. left outside to freeze and not feeding them. This continues, but it would take me all day to type it. These children beg us not to take them back to their mother but right now, the way that the divorce papers were done we have to, until we have proof of what she is doing. Every time we have them it is like someone is ripping our hearts out. These children deserve much better and with the way the divorce went through, we would have to spend a large amount of money we don't have to get the divorce looked at and modified. By that time, who knows what will happen with the kids. What do we do?????


GoingNuts's picture

I would suggest contacting social services and having them check up on the kids. I understand about not having enough money we have already spent $3000.00 and haven't even went to court yet. The first time we went we spent about $5000.00. I would also suggest to document everything because what notes you keep are looked at and taken into account.

sparky's picture

I would tell the BM that the kds beg you not to take them home and why. Also, tell her that you would gladly take them if she needs a break from the responsibility.

Medical Mom's picture

We are currently documenting everything that happens and is said, but the attorney we talked to said that they wont even look at it yet because they need to look into how the divorce was done, even the attorney cant believe that she got away with this botched job of a divorce. This woman lied like you wouldnt believe!!!! Of coarse is a diagnosed pathological lier and a sociopath!!! She knows that the kids don't want to be with her and she tells them to stop crying and stop being that way, she also tells them that by saying that it "hurts her feelings" and that it is wrong to say that. We think that she is just using the kids as a meal ticket!!! She gets all kinds of state assistance that she really doesnt need. All she needs is to get a real job and get on medication like she is suppose to.

Colorado Girl's picture

Lord knows I understand the money. But it's worth it in the end. If you are serious about even 50/50 placement - I'd say go for it. Otherwise it will be torture every time they don't want to go back.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."