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not sure

mary mack's picture

I am a stepmom of husband got custody of his step daughters and his son almost 3 years ago. We had only been married 1 year before we had to go to court over the childrens mother. It was proved that mom was a very unfit mother in everyway. After his oldest had started to be involved with mom again she started to change.Daughter started tu use drugs and smoke..did bad in school.She is sneaking around to see mom..getting drunk and high with her. Even plotted with mom to kidnap siblings. Now daughter is posting ill things about the only father she has ever had in her life..and saying things about me(along with mother). I am confused about what to do because she is 16 and has a job. I cant spank her or put her in timeout. My husband has been the only dad in her life because she doesnt know who her father is. Which brings me here. Being a stepmom and not allowed how to correct her like I would do my own children. My husband and I dont know what to do. And the only thing she has done ill-leagal is sneak and see mom..going against a court order. What to do?? :?


mary mack's picture

no he stepped in as her dad when she was 6. we have gone round and round about this. he really loves her as his own. when we went through court over the 3, he was givin legal costudy. we have proof of all the plots the she and mom were trying to do and the admitted going to motels with mom that is a heroin addicted prostitute and getting drunk with her. our locl police has seen the pictures on fb before they were removed of this. now her mom is fighting on fb with my 14 yr old daughter over the things that was said. my husband gave her the choice to either be here with no phone,no job,and no freedom or foster care. im not sure how to go about this because of the nature of our case.