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Shit on for the Best of Intentions

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I feel so sorry for step-parents. Most of them start out with a huge heart and the best of intentions.

I know myself, I would cook wonderful meals... only to find the kids to talk crappy about my food - or rudely throw it in the sink. My DH never said a word he just let them. I stopped cooking for them about 6 months ago.

I used to make a big deal out of all the holidays and birthdays so they would feel special and loved here. I never got so much as a thank you and would often make fun of the decorations.

I would try to set up fun games, etc., which was met with eye rolling and talking behind my back.

I never said one bad thing (in front of the kids) about horsefaced BM, but she was allowed to bad talk me to kingdom come with out my H never once standing up for me.

It's a shame it so hard and thankless. I've been kicked when I am down for far too long. If I weren't so ill I would leave tomorrow.


VioletsareBlue's picture

I'm sorry you are ill. I'm also sorry that some DHs just can't seem to see what great women they have in front of them and they let it all go to shit.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

A few years ago my H got on my ass for me never telling the skids I love them. Can you imagine!? They do everything in their power for you NOT to love them. What are Step-parents? Super humans who can take all the abuse heaped upon them from these terrible children and horrific ex-wives and still love them?

Ugh, my H's horseface exW calls MY house and calls me horrible names, like "whore" and "gold-digger", etc. and my spineless wimp of a H does nothing about it.

I started crying last night in front of H and said out loud "how did I ever get in this mess?" I think it hurt his feelings, but I don't care. I'm a real, live person with feelings and I matter! Being a SM has literally sucked the life right out of me.

I've been seriously contemplating leaving for a few months just to get the hell away from the 15 y/o who is fat, selfish, lazy entitled asshole. I honestly cannot stand another moment around him and I'm sick of leaving the house when he is here or locking myself in my room.
