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Very awkward run in with SS

maria14's picture

We have not heard from him since he moved into a room he is sharing with two others. These are two people we have never met. My BIL told me they looked to be nice students. But of course it is not going to stop my DH from worrying. The other day, we were in the area that SS's college is in. We went there because my DH's cousin was having a engagement party. Of course, we went there and we had to field questions about SS. EVERYONE knows about what happened. We are the new gossip of the month. I was very uncomfortable there. One of my DH's aunts says to me, "Poor child. I wonder how he is doing". I felt upset. They have no idea how bad WE feel. And my son was picking up on all the attitude and wanted to leave. So we said our congratulations to the couple and left.

On the way back, my DH and our son wanted coffee. We find a Starbucks and go in . I am sitting at a desk and waiting for them to get the drinks. Out of the million Starbucks out there, we had to go into the one that SS works at. There was literally another Starbucks down the road we could have gone to. SS got a job at a Starbucks when he turned 16. I guess he was able to get another barista (is the spelling right?) job. He had to go for week worth of training at the time. Just to know how to make all the drinks. Or maybe it was two weeks. And I remember SS saying something about health insurance being available through Starbucks. So this is a great job for him, even though it looks very stressful.

My DH and our son had no idea SS was the barista until they reached the counter. It was the most awkward situation I have ever experienced. SS's eyes got big when he saw them. Then he started talking to them like they were complete strangers! My son was so hurt. But he did not say anything. It was the first time he saw SS in a while and he thought SS would at least acknowledge him. SS just handed took the order, took the money, gave them the coffee and asked for the next person in line. No conversation. My son said "Hi" and SS smiled back. And it was not even a real smile. And my son knew it. We did not even stay there. They drank in the car. We were silent all the way home. And my son had a attitude the whole time. What were the f******* chances? Seriously. Before, there was a higher chance of us bumping into SS because our town is quite small and we have a nice mall where we live. But near the college, which is huge? What were the stupid F******* CHANCES!

SS now probably thinks we are stalking him. So my DH told my BIL to tell SS that it was a freak meeting and that it was nice to see him. My DH feels humiliated that he has to talk to his own son through his BIL. I need a asprin. I have to deal with a fresh batch of mopey DH and a angry son who does not understand why a brother he looks up to will not talk to him anymore.


stormabruin's picture

I have to be honest here & say that given everything that has been going on with your SS, all these "chance" meetings seem very odd.

I can tell you that knowing your SS works at Starbucks near his home would be reason enough for me NOT to opt for Starbucks near his home.

The kid has a lot going on. He's focused on school. He's working to pay his way. He's doing what he needs to be doing.

He just lost his mother & is grieving, but is still managing to make his way. All he's asked is to be left alone, yet you seem to keep popping up left-&-right.

One Life Once Chance's picture

I agree. I have chance meetings with SS and BM once in a while because we live within 20 minutes of eachother.

BUT, if I knew for certain SS or BM worked at X, I would avoid X at all costs. Especially when we have our son with us.

maria14's picture

The Starbucks was not close to where SS worked at all. And we did not even know he was working at the time. It was just a f***** up thing that happened and my son had to experience it. Sad The last thing we want to do now is "pop in" on SS. He has made it clear he wants to be away from us. My son is still upset over the whole thing. I do not know how to comfort him. My BIL called back and told us SS was angry and yelling, asking my BIL to tell us to stay away. We feel awful.

Jsmom's picture

I have these chance meetings with BM and SD all the time. They suck...sorry for you and your family. Just continue to stay away and maybe someday it will get better.