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Question about child support and what it covers..

madison27's picture

BM has decided FSS4 will be attending a different preschool in the fall and apparently it's going to be more expensive. She's already telling FDH that he needs to start "saving up" so he can pay for it. My question is, shouldn't child support cover that? Or is it one of those things that varies state to state? If anybody can offer some insight, I'd greatly appreciate it Smile


Rags's picture

CS covers everything not specifically called out in the CO. Things that are often in addition to CS are a % of child care and a % of any medical costs not covered by medical insurance.

If your DH's Custody/Visitation/Support order does not identify any further support participation beyond CS then he does not have to contriubute one micro penny more.

It sounds to me as if your Skid's BM is failing to realize that as the CP she is responsible for managing the finances of her own home including paying for the kid's pre-school.

If I was your DH I would put this straight back on BM as "I pay CS, it covers my share of all kid related costs. I expect you to manage the CS that I pay in a responsible manner and to provide for our child effectively when they are in your care. If you can't handle it, I will gladly take the kid and act in a responsible manner to care for our child."

IMHO of course.

Rags's picture


NCMilGal's picture

Depends on the state.

Even though I bitch about Louisiana and their f-ed up court system, DH dodged a bullet when BM ran home to mommy before filing for divorce instead of staying in Georgia. In LA, CS covers daycare/preschool. In GA, daycare/preschool is assessed separately.

BUT!! In GA, the daycare/preschool is by court order. Your DH can do what we did for Driver's Ed. Tell BM, "You are making this decision, I have had no input. You need to pay for it." And then make her go to court to get it ordered. In our case, BM has backed off every time she has asked for extra money.

Check your state's CS laws.

Disneyfan's picture

In NY NCPs have to pay CS AND day care (or before and after care for school age kids)IF the CP works or attends school.

overworkedmom's picture

In VA your child support is factored on a few things like insurance cost and child care. I know that my ex's CS will be going way down next year because both of my kids will be in school full time and it won't be $1200/ month for daycare. The calculator shows that he isn't responsible for 100% of anything though. It's based on income and how much we both make to determine the percentage of all costs of raising the child, then that is how they get the $figure. I attached the VA link, maybe your state has something similar.

overworkedmom's picture

In VA your child support is factored on a few things like insurance cost and child care. I know that my ex's CS will be going down next year because both of my kids will be in school full time and it won't be $1200/ month for daycare. The calculator shows that he isn't responsible for 100% of anything though. It's based on income and how much we both make to determine the percentage of all costs of raising the child, then that is how they get the $figure. I attached the VA link, maybe your state has something similar.