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What do you think?

Luna HG's picture

I want to know what you guys think I should do. So one of my best friends girlfriend is having a baby and she is in labor right now. I want to go visit them when the baby is born. The thing is hes is my ex's little brother so his whole family is there so if I go visit them I will see all of them regardless of what I do. I know my friend would want me to go and they have no problem with me visiting but I do not want to go to their home because my BF gets mad. Should I go or not or what do you guys think I should do?


silentnites's picture

I wouldn't. I would wait until the baby is born. When they go home I would set a time for me and the BF to go visit.

Luna HG's picture

If I were to go I would go when there still in the hospital to avoid going to my ex's house. I just don't know I really want to go see them...