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Same shit, different visit...

LRP75's picture

As I said last night, some things never change:

2 hours into the twins visit here and all hell broke loose. But it is just the same shit. Nothing has changed.

The twins start fighting. One of them gets hurt and start screaming bloody murder. Retribution occurs. A full-blown battle ensues. Dad comes running to separate them. One accuses him of playing favorites. Arguing over who dad spends more time with. Crying. Screaming. Throwing things.

Last night it was the same old song from SS, even though I haven't even been IN THE HOME when he has visited since the end of October:

In reference to me: "I don't want you sitting out in the living room with HER! You ALWAYS just sit with HER! You NEVER play with me because of HER!"

In reference to SD: "Why are you sitting on HER bed? You NEVER sit on my bed! You ALWAYS spend more time with HER!"

Blah, blah, blah.

Intellectually I completely understand where the kid is coming from: he just really, really, really needs quality time with his dad. However, his jealousy and possessiveness is not healthy. Then on the other side of the coin, he is the first to withhold his love (silent treatment, ignoring, "I hate you," etc) when he isn't getting his way.

The kid is an emotional manipulator and abuser. The writing is on the wall for the kind of man he is going to grow up to be. *shudder*

My H was trying to do something with SD. SS lost his mind over it.

The drama was absolutely. 100%. ridiculous.

Thankfully I have all kinds of activities scheduled for my vacation:

Today: I have to work for a few hours. Then I am going out to eat with some girl friends. I might go to the shooting range afterward, depending on how long we hang out at the restaurant.

Sunday: I am going to Frankenmuth with my dad, mom, sister, brother, niece, and future brother-in-law. I'm still trying to talk my son into going also, but whatever. I will be gone pretty much all day for that.

Monday: My son and I are making a day trip out of going to visit my grandma in the nursing home. It's a 2 hours drive, one way.

Tuesday: I think they go back Tuesday. God I hope so.


jennysue's picture

Hmmm take out the twin aspect sounds like my week. Only little princess doesn't have a twin to fight with she'll climb on stuff, dressers, cabinets, TV stands, even though she knows better, she'll fall because she uncoordinated, and screaming crying over a scrape. If my H looks in my direction she'll get in his face grab it face and keep him from looking at anything but her. She's constantly trying to sexualize herself to her father, dancing like she's on a GD pole. I tell my H she needs therapy he says she's just being a kid. Sorry I didn't dry hump the floor in front of my father

bi's picture

why are you sitting on HER bed? wouldn't that be his own bed, too? i don't know how you do it, LRP. if sd was a twin, i think i would have been out of here after a matter of months!

LRP75's picture

SS freaked out because my H was sitting on the sofa with me, watching a movie.

So he went and picked a fight with his sister.

Then he freaked out because my H was sitting on SDs bed and talking to her. SS canNOT stand to share his father with anyone. He loses his mind the moment he isn't center of attention. And he becomes nasty, nasty, NASTY.

My H closed the bedroom door to keep him out of SDs room while he was in there talking to her. So SS stalked around in the hallway, trying to listen to the door, screaming through the door, banging on the door, kicking the door, whining and crying, threatening ("You are always so mean to me! I'm calling my mom! I don't love you anymore. I don't want to be here. I hate you!")

Seriously, the kid is the biggest douche I have ever met. Complete with the flat-brimmed hat, set to the side, sagging pants, making "tough" faces and flashing gang signs at people.

He's 11.

LRP75's picture

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I have never before wanted to punch a kid in the face until I met SS.

The kid is the biggest douche ever. Jersey Shore/tough guy/gang member/rapper/skater wannabe.

Clearly BM watches a shit-ton of reality TV, because this kid is completely disconnected from reality.

bi's picture

that made me laugh, too! reality tv is anything but, unless it's the biggest loser!

LRP75's picture

i know, right?

It's always possible to pick out of the crowd the people who watch those reality shows (and take them seriously), because their reactions to reality are so freaking skewed and abnormal; they have an unusually inflated sense of self-importance; and they are completely devoid of critical thinking/coping/decision making skills causing a massive mental disconnect and ability to ascertain cause and effect, or that with every action, there is a reaction. They see life, and thus behave accordingly, in 2-4 minute "clips" - complete with commercial breaks.

I was once in a restaurant/bar with my husband and sitting at the table next to us were 3 young ladies. They had to have *just* been legal to drink. Their behavior was so absolutely bizarre to me. The way they were talking, laughing, smiling, looking around the room, etc. Their behavior was so strange and so... disconnected to reality. Then it occurred to me, after listening to the way they spoke (language) that they were Jersey Shore fans. These girls really, honestly, truly believed that the way those kids in Jersey Shore acted, is the way that real people act.

Wow. :O