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Family is falling apart and the new year just started!!!

lost and confused's picture

I am 31 yrs old and my H and I have been married for 3yrs. Prior to getting married we dated for 6 yrs. When we met he already had a 3yr old son, he was the sweetest thing. His BM was not in the picture so it made life for us extremely easy. There were times when she would call (she lived out of state) and talk to SS and you could tell he missed her but he got attached to me and I felt as if I was his mother. Everything was fine until my H and I got married and had our first baby. My SS did not want to spend any time with me and always wanted to be at my inlaws house. Thats when the problems got even worse. My husbands family told my SS that he did not have to listen to me therefor causing conflicts between him and I, about 7 months ago he told my H family that I told him his mother did not care for him. I was floored!!! I could not believe that he could possibly say such a thing, my H didnt make it any better by saying he believed him (so that SS wouldnt think his dad was not on his side)I let it go but I cried and have struggled with him since. 2 months ago his BM passed away and I cried for him and told him I was there for him if he needed anything and that I loved him. My SS went and told his maternal grandma that I had told him "now that your mother is dead I am your mother" My husband had the nerve to even ask me if it was true!!! I have become and outcast along with my children and my marriage is suffering! My H and I argue all the time and my SS is the cuse of all our trbls now I need help and advice please!!!!


Most Evil's picture

I think someone needs a spanking personally! If your DH believes what SS is saying, he should take care of his own child and not ask you for any help with him.

So how old is the SS now, 12? If he is that old and lying, I would confront SS on it directly. Apparently you need to always have a witness when you interact with him, to protect yourself - I had to do this with a crazy co-worker once.

From reading your other post I think your in-laws are behind this and practicing PAS on your SS. Your DH can choose who he will believe! but stand up for yourself, do not beg anyone to believe you or change their mind, that only increases any contempt for you I am afraid.
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers

lost and confused's picture

He is 9 yrs old! Needless to say he came home today from his grandmothers house not a hello not even a happy new years! It's as if I do not exsist!!! My H of course did not even realize it and told me that everything will be ok and things will change soon. Really when? when we r getting a divorce because of his son???? This is so hard and I think it only makes it harder becaue we were not always like this we were once a happy family!!!

Pantera's picture

You and your DH need to get on the same page. DH should not be questioning these accusations, he should know better. It sounds like ss is trying to drive a wedge in between you and DH and DH is letting him. The only reason I am saying this is because this happened to me not too long ago and it sounds like the same thing except for BM passing away (which Im sorry to hear).

If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

Starwhite's picture

I am so sorry! Honey you don't deserve to be treated like this by your husband. He should at least have asked you what was said before automatically believing what your SS said. It sounds to me like your SS is telling his Dad his interpretation of your words and not the actual words you used...this being the case it seems to be a misunderstanding. If your SS did this maliciously your and your husband need to first discuss this and then with a united front both your and your husband need to confront him and have it out.