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SD covering behavior of SGkids

lkunig's picture

So, I am curious if this has ha[[ened to anyone else that have a adultSD and SGkids?  Our grandkids came to stay with me for a week in the summertime.  We also had other houseguests here as well that were also related to them.  Our other houseguests were 2 adults and their 2 children aged 4 years and 3 months old.  My SGKids were 13 and 9 year old girls.  The 13 year old lived on her cell phone like most teenagers do but because I put their room next to the room our other guests were in, I asked them to please keep noise down so that they would not interrupt the sleep patterns for the infant next door to them.  The 1st night, my nephew informed me that his 3 month old daughter was awakened by the loud talking of the 13 year old tallking  her ohone (she had earphones on that made her talking even louder than normal), then after he spoke to her about it, she woke her again at 4 a.m.!  When he went to again talk to her about it she pretended to be asleep.  Our bedroom is on the next floor so we did no hrar anything.  When he told me about this, I pulled the girls aside and again told them that their behavior was unacceptable and that thye needed to vbe mor mindful of trhe sleepiong baby next door.  They assurred me that they would.  We, they did ity again the next night!  I was pissed!  Their Mom (my SD0 was due to pick them up today so when she arrived we told her about it and she laughed at us and told her cousins that just wait for until their 3 month old got to be a teenager she would be doing the same thing.   (she lives 5 hours from us) so she spent the night and left the next day with them.  While she was here we also had other out of town company so our house was busy.  After they left, I noticed that a container that I had that held kleenex had disappeared from a tabletop.  When I asked our other houseguests if they knew anything about it, they said they did not.  Upon closer inspection, I found small pieces of the glass underneath the table that obviously came from the broken container that held the kleenex.  So, I am guseeing that one of my SGKids broke it by accident and instead of telliung me about it, she cleaned it up and pretended it never happened.  I looked in the trashes downstairs and found no remnants of the container so I'm sure she took them with her.  The container was not an expensive one, but it was a gift from a very close friend of mine.  God knows she did not want to leave any evidence?  My hubands reply to this was well, don't worry about it, I will buy you another one.  Really?  He did not want to ask her anything about it!  As a matter of fact he did not ask her about it.  Am I nuts for thinking this was the wrong way to handle this?


shamds's picture

Bio mum stayed in your home?? Purely because she lives 5 hours away?? Why can’t she book a motel or cheap hotel?

most men with a crazy high conflict exwife don’t want to unleash thebdragon because they easily weaponize their kids

lkunig's picture

This is my husbands daughter not his ex wife.

ESMOD's picture

After the first night where the guest had to go next door multiple times to ask for them to be quiet.. I would have made the girls hand over their phones/electronic ipads the next day at bedtime.  They were already warned.. they didn't listen that night.. so the consequence would have been to lose "night phone" privileges at least while there were guests next door.

The kleenex container.. might have been anyone really.. you had lots of guests.. It even could have been your DH.. since he is reluctant to follow up.

lkunig's picture

*ROFL*Being the step grandmother I do not make those decisions because that is exactly what I would have done. My other guests were in a bedroom right next to theirs. Sorry for the confusion this was my first post*new_russian* we pretty much figured out that it was them as nobody else was downstairs when they packed to leave. Thanks for your comment.