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O/T - Surgery went well

LizGrace65's picture

Just a note to say I had my surgery Monday and am recovering ok. I had a tubal ligation in preparation for in vitro. Still not back on the laptop - three small abdominal incisions are healing well but sitting at the PC is not real fun right now. I'm logged on through the phone haha. I miss the site - hope everyone is doing ok.



LizGrace65's picture

They don't always - they can if there is fluid in the tubes that tends to interfere with implantation and successful growth of an embryo if the tubes are left attached to the uterus. That's what they found in my case. They weren't functioning, and their condition could actually interfere with in vitro. Sad Taking the tubes out of the equation increases the likelihood of success.


nashera861's picture

I will bookmark and continue reading your blog in the future! Thanks alot for the informative post!

AnneElizabeth's picture

Haven't been on your blog since last week. Glad your surgery went well. I'm sure you are sore, but the end result, a new bambino will be worth it all.