BM and SO both out of work
Just an update. I think I posted that SO lost his job about a month ago. SS16 has been with BM. SO still has full physical custody and BM will never get that because she can't provide for SS adequately - she's not even allowed overnights per the custody agreement due to her living circumstances. But BM and SS insisted repeatedly this is what they want, so SO allowed SS to go with BM (and in fact does not want SS back due to SS's current delinquent attitude).
Anyway, BM never paid any CS at all for the 6 years we were full time custodial. She was employed on and off but never contributed and hardly even saw SS. When SS went with BM, SO started to give BM roughly the amount she'd be awarded if they did in fact go to court. He told BM to leave him the hell alone and he'd give her the money without an order. He gave her money every week. But BM kept calling SO and harassing him about one thing and another in between. So eventually SO told BM that he didn't want to deal with her, and that if SS16 wanted money then SS16 should call SO himself. SO didn't hear anything for 2 weeks, then SS16 called and said he needed money to get things for back to school. SO told SS16 to meet us at a restaurant downtown. SO told SS what's what, then gave SS two weeks of the money, telling SS he was giving him a break for SS not calling the week before, but that going forward if he wanted the money weekly he needed to come and get it weekly, and there were going to be no extras at his whim for things like back to school.
SO didn't hear from SS for another two weeks - and by then he had lost his job. SO told SS at that time that he had lost his job, but to call him back the next day and they would discuss what to do.
SS never called SO back.
Fast forward a month - this week BM calls SO and tells him she needs money because she lost her job. SO still does not have a job.
SO told BM that she needs to handle her own business and she should have thought of this before taking SS - who would be fine if he was still with us, since I can support my family. (I told SO to tell SS to call me if he has the balls - but SO won't do that, and SS would never have the stones.)
BM has threatened to take SO to court, but there are two issues with that - first, SS will end up in foster care, because BM provides a completely unsuitable environment, and SS and SO agree that SS shouldn't be with us. And second, she can't get money he doesn't have.
BM does have a boyfriend living with them as far as I know (all in one room). This is a different boyfriend than the one she had last spring, when she threw SS out for threatening to kill her (then) boyfriend). Maybe he's paying their way right now.
I don't know what will happen next.
BM is talking about leaving the country again. SS says he doesn't want to go, he's going to finish school, etc. But he just failed his first technical exam. Perhaps BM and/or SO will be employed soon (and in the case of SO, SS will have enough sense to come ask for his damn money). Maybe BM will try taking SO to court. Maybe BM and/or SS will leave the country. Maybe eventually we all will!
Stay tuned for the next installment of "Hellbent on Self Destruction..."
- LizGrace65's blog
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Well firstly, if the kid is
Well firstly, if the kid is 16, shouldn't the "custody agreement" consist of whatever the kid decides to do and wherever he decides to live?
Secondly, I don't think it is right to ask a child to deal with adult situations. I mean yeah, he should call and ask for money if he wants to go to the movies or the mall, but to have to call weekly and ask for his own child support? I don't know about that, but maybe there is a piece of this puzzle that I don't know about.
Also, giving that money to SS is not paying child support. The money should be given to his parent for his care. If this woman decides to take y'all to court, it is possible y'all could get screwed by not paying her directly. Set up an automatic transfer, or an auto draft check and send it and then you have proof you sent it and that you sent it to the right person. I think auto draft is good because then you don't have to take the money and physically transfer it every time. It helps us because I hate the idea that he pays our stupid BM so much and I don't need the reminder every first and fifteenth of the month.
You're saying at 16, SS is
You're saying at 16, SS is old enough to choose his own custody, but at the same time he's too young to deal with adult situations? And you talk about what "should" be done with the child support as if it's important to follow the letter of the law - but the custody agreement ordered by the court can be changed at SS's discretion?
You can't have it both ways. You can't worry about doing things exactly as dictated by the court, and at the same time ignore the court's decree on custody. You can't give someone the right to make adult decisions and then say he's too immature to deal with adult situations.
As I said in my post, if BM goes to court, SS will end up in foster care. BM and SS will get screwed. It's pretty unlikely BM will do that, given she's got absolutely zero to gain by doing so. They've got what they want with SS living there, and they can't get what doesn't exist, which is money from unemployed SO.
Not every couple lives and dies by what goes on in court. This one doesn't. And SO's actions with SS are completely consistent. SS doesn't think he has anything to learn from SO anymore since SS is such a big man - so SO expects SS to step up and face him without hiding behind his mommy.
SS wants to be a man - SO is treating him like one.
SO's going to let BM decide
SO's going to let BM decide whether they go to court - that way nobody can turn around and blame him for the consequences. If BM chooses to go there it's virtually certain SS will be taken away. And SO and I agree that it's the natural consequence of SS's choices. We tried to keep him from going this direction, but he completely insisted on it, and this is the end of that road.
SS can't be emancipated - he's demonstrating way too much irresponsibility.
In the meantime, SO is very good at dealing with BM's crap. He just ignores her until she goes away. She always comes back eventually though.
SO did say he may have a talk with SS in the near future, to tell him one last time that he's going the wrong way and he still has a chance to do things differently and make the right choices, since SO feels that when he was young, nobody did that for him.