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DH finally talks to me about my words to SD20 TEN DAYS LATER!!

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DH finally broke his silence after 10 days & wanted to discuss my words to SD20 when I told her its rather awkward that she was here at our home...she goes why? I go cuz your so disrespectful. You would of thought I shot her dead. I am dealing with a family that is totally passive agressive, expect everyone to bow at their feet & beyond stubborn. DH refused to talk to me about why he brought her over here since our agreement was based on the Steparents Bill of Rights...skids dont come over unless its cool with me & it wasnt cool with me & I told him so...but he brought her anyway. He goes you were right ....I needed to bring both of you together to talk after your words with her,but I didnt...DAH! So he kept his silence,except to spew his venom at me whenever he had the opportunity. As a result of my words with SD20...the skids dont want to ever come over anymore....WHY WOULD I WANT TO REMEDY THAT DECISION ON THEIR PART? I hope SD20 who is a carbon copy of BM stays at home where they all belong. Let them live happily ever after with BM & stay away from me for GOOD! Smile