i find myself being mean
Lately I feel like iv been kinda mean to my boyfriends kids, idk if their actually doing something wrong or they have driven me to the point where I'm just so irritated! I feel bad sometimes, but its the only way they will listen to me is when I'm mean. Maybe its worse now because at first I wanted them to like me and they walked all over me now I'm showing authority and they listen, but they aren't likin me as much...I just kind of feel bad now but they drive me so insane!
- livelaughlove's blog
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Do you want to be their
Do you want to be their friend or their step PARENT? If the later you are doing just fine. You have to make them listen and follow directions and instructions. As long as your not hitting them, calling them names, and putting them down you are doing ok. If you are just raising your voice and not giving in to all of their wants and demands when they are misbehaing or acting inappropriately, then take it easier on yourself because your not doing anything wrong.
Don't feel bad. Not worth it.
Don't feel bad. Not worth it.
Well sometimes I don't even
Well sometimes I don't even think they are doing anything wrong and I kinda just give em an attitude cuz they brought me to the point where I don't like the way they are at all and even when their trying to be cute I don't find it cute anymore I find it annoying which probably isn't very fair of me idk maybe I'm wrong
You can't take the stuff that
You can't take the stuff that the kids do so personally.
If you can, try to view the kids separate from their behavior. Should we judge people based on their past behavior or judge them as people, right here & now?
Personally, as a kid, I would be so confused if the adults in my life withdrew their affection or were irritated with me because of how I may have acted a week ago. Our behavior doesn't make us who we are. That's undeserved. If their behavior bothers you, talk about it with them right then and there. Don't harbor negative feelings and bring them out whenever you feel irritated. Let it go. We have to be able to move past the past, if we want peace in our lives.
Idk they're awful more times
Idk they're awful more times then they're not I don't kno what to do anymore I can't handle them I'm going to go crazy! Its breaking me down to the point where I'm crying almost every night bc I get so frustrated with them and they don't listen!
Prego hormones may be kicking
Prego hormones may be kicking in.....do you have anyone at all to give you a break? Even for a few hours twice a week? Maybe split them up between 2 friends for a few hours at the same time if none can take them both at the same time...just so you can rest and regroup.....kids are a handful and being in early pregnancy is too...you sound like you need a bit of a break...look into a few things at your local library or play groups if you have noone nearby to help you....Get some time away to regruop before you loose your mind
Its ok ALL mom's bio or not go through this.....dont be so hard on yourself
((hugs)) Breath.....