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BM is back...and still a nasty skank.

LittlePanda's picture

BM got out of jail early last week. SD went to spend the weekend with her (at grandma's house, where BM lives.) This was the first time SD had seen her mother in 10 months. I was pretty anxious about how SD would be acting when she returned. Well, luckily that part went well. SD came back and the first thing she said to me was, "Oh, mom! I was so busy on friday I forgot until it was too late to watch our show" So, that is good. The show is a new show on tv that we are both interested in and I told her to tell me all about it if she got to see it this weekend. We don't have cable at our house so we don't really watch much TV. I thought that was sweet that she had at least remembered and thought about me.

Second, and most DISTURBING...BM had not seen her daughter for 10 months. TEN MONTHS...and this trashy bit** has not one but TWO of her boyfriends over in the 2 days that SD spent with her. Both of them are people who are associated with her drug use, so, any hope I had of her actually getting her act together is out the window. SD told us that one of the guys drove BM somewhere "because mommy lost her license." I wonder where they went. At least they didn't take SD with them. I would have flipped out. I would guess they probably went to do something drug related...why else would BM get a ride with a dude she knows from drug use and not a ride with her mother(sd's grandmother), who was home all weekend with them. Hmmmmmm! Shady as HELL. Seriously..she had 2 days with her daughter, the first 2 days in almost a year...could she really not wait to see her boyfriends?? Why the hell would she do that with SD there? OH, and this is funny to me..she told SD that SD is going to be a flower girl in some chick's wedding. Ummmm..ok BM! You have no money for a dress, you've been out of jail for less than a week, you do not have custody, and you did not ask/talk to her dad about this. And I bet she won't bring it up either until the last second, IF, IF IF IF this is even a real thing that is going to happen. Seems kind of weird to me. If custody works out in my husbands favor she will only have EOW visitation..and you would think she knows this..kind of weird. Oh, and if this does happen for some crazy reason, we will NOT be paying for the dress. Why should we?? I bet that tacky bitch will ask too.

GAL comes tomorrow to visit the house. It will just be SD, baby and me. Then court on the 18th. I am so nervous. Anything could happen.
