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I wish I had some snarky response ready. Update to baby socks post

Lilywen's picture

So DH had to go sign some forms for his demon son to join the military last night. I guess because he is still 17. He gets home after me and I am cooking dinner with my younger DD on my hip. DH says hi to the girls, gives them kisses... no hug, no kiss, no 'how was your day, hun?' for me. He just starts in... 'I am soooooo proud of demon son...'. I said 'mmhmm', not dismissive, it just sounded like he was going to continue on his little love speech. But no, he switches right to the 'Oooookaaaay'like he legit expected me to join in and lavish praise and ooze pride right along with him. So I said 'you sounded like you were going to continue and I am holding a 30lb kid while messing around on a hot stove.' He responds 'You just can't be proud of him or say anything nice, can you?'... Sigh. So its a fight you want DH. Not anymore. That was old me. I put DD down, gave her a toy, grabbed my cigarettes and went out for a smoke. Then I went down to do more laundry, passed the bar and took a shot of vodka. I came back up and DH is on the couch, messing around on his phone. I gave him a kiss, said 'how was your day?' He said 'good. How was yours?' 'fine'. I go back to cooking. From the couch he announces 'I am looking up some jobs in the service that demon would like. I am so proud of him.' I said 'that is so great, there are probably so many different jobs and you can't expect him at 17 to read all of them and pick one. You should write him up a little short list of the best ones and read it to him next time he calls.' (snort, chartle, snort) DH gets up and grabs paper and a pen, 'good idea, thanks babe!'... what an idiot. lol


Cooooookies's picture

That's nice dear. Standard answer then change the subject:

'That's nice dear, I'm cooking chicken and dumplings for dinner and DD did the cutest thing today...I'm so proud of her!'

'That's nice dear, my day at home/work was all about this and that etc, and I didn't even lose my sh*t. I'm so proud of myself!'

'That's nice dear, I counted and DD only picked her nose 37 times today. Down from 45 yesterday, I'm so proud of her!'

I mean, really?! His own precious snowflake caused you major illness and hardship and you're supposed to be proud???? Disney Dads are so dang clueless!!

witch.hazel's picture

I like the above, or- "yep, the military will hopefully do him some good."

It's a very good thing, if the kid actually follows through.

Lilywen's picture

This morning I found a print out DH left behind of demon's scores vs the military branch requirements for the jobs available... of 123 jobs available, demon is eligible by score for 34 of them. My pride doth boil over. Of the jobs he is eligible for, he is a score of +0 - +7 over eligibility... of the jobs he is under qualifi]ped for, he is -97 - -28 under qualified for... I am soooooo proud DH... DD 3-1/2 tests at a 5 yr old level. I will now hold my breath until DH displays the same amount of pride for his 3-1/2 year old non-COD who can read and write and count to 100... I wish he would lavish the same praise.

TwoOfUs's picture

I recently read a comprehensive, decades long scientific study that demonstrates fairly conclusively that the gene(s) primarily responsible for intelligence are inherited from the mother. Of course, having two highly intelligent parents is ideal...but, on balance, a smart woman can outweigh the effect of a dull partner while a smart man really can't. ie it's better for offspring to have a dumb dad than a dumb mom.

This also explains why my incredibly bright DH can have such morons for children.

TwoOfUs's picture

I recently read a comprehensive, decades long scientific study that demonstrates fairly conclusively that the gene(s) primarily responsible for intelligence are inherited from the mother. Of course, having two highly intelligent parents is ideal...but, on balance, a smart woman can outweigh the effect of a dull partner while a smart man really can't. ie it's better for offspring to have a dumb dad than a dumb mom.

This also explains why my incredibly bright DH can have such morons for children.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

The big question, depending on the branch. Will demon son graduate basic or boot. Or will he wash out?... Oh the questions!

Daisymazy2's picture

Well, I take it that SS didn't score to high on the ASVAB test. Of course, there would have to be an opening for any of the jobs before they would accept him into that position. He may get stuck just being a "grunt" worker depending on the branch he is enlisting.

Hopefully, he signed up for a few years and is stationed in another state (well, one that takes longer than a few hours to get there).

Be prepared that once he graduates basic/boot camp, your dh may ask you to go with him to graduation.

Just keep repeating to yourself...SS will be in boot camp in a short period of time and will be out of my hair for a couple of years.

Acratopotes's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: you cook, entertain your child on the hip and run around to do laundry??

I hope it was your laundry and the baby's and not any skid or DH's....